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September 2nd, 1994

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. I slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight that has entered the room. The others are all still fast asleep. I turn around to look at the small clock on my bedside table.


The tour starts in less than 2 hours. I quietly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom.

I close the door and take a shower as quietly as I possibly can. Once I am finished with that, I brush my hair before changing into my uniform. I then brush my teeth and finish getting ready for the day.

Today was Thursday so we had to put our name in the goblet by midnight tonight.

I walk out of the bathroom to find that Fleur and Sophie are already awake.


"Good morning"

"We should probably start getting ready, it's already 8 and breakfast ends in 45 minutes" Sophie says as she makes her way to the bathroom. "You should probably wake up the others so that they do not miss breakfast" And with that, she closes the bathroom door to get ready.

"Char, can you wake up Mirabelle? I'll wake up Nicole" I nod at her and walk over to Mirabelle's bed where she is still sleeping.

"Mirabelle" I whisper, she shifts a little bit but does not wake up "Mirabelle wake up" I say again, this time though her eyes slowly open.

"What?" she asks me.

"It is 8, you better start getting ready"

"Oh" She sat up in her bed and by then Fleur had woken up Nicole as well.

Sophie finished getting ready in 5 minutes and Fleur went in after her. Fleur did not take that long to get ready either, so she was out of the bathroom after a few minutes.

"You three should start heading to breakfast, we will meet up with you there" Nicole says with a yawn as she steps out of her bed.

"Yeah sure"

As we are walking out of the room we hear Mirabelle call out "don't eat all the food!" to which we all chuckle, then we start walking to the Great Hall.


We walked into the Great Hall and the tables were almost completely packed with people. I noticed that not everyone stayed with their house, most of them were with their friends from other houses.

"I'm going to go sit with some of my friends, I'll see you later" Sophie tells us before running off to her friends at the Hufflepuff table.

I look around and see Vi sitting at the Gryffindor table, waving us over. I guess she was put into Gryffindor for the time being.

"Morning girls, here stay with us" she says with a smile as we approach them. She is sitting down with two boys, twins to be specific.

I sat down next to one of the twins while Fleur sat down on the other side of the table next to Vi and the other twin.

"These are Fred and George Weasley, they're a year younger than us" she explains.

"Which one are you? Fred or George?" I ask the boy next to me.

"I'm Fred"

That meant that the twin on the other side of the table was George. I'm going to be mixing this two up so much.

"Nice, I'm Cha-" I start but Fred cuts me off.

"Charlotte, do not worry, we know enough about you already. She is always talking about you and Fleur." He says causing me to laugh.

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