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September 3th, 1994

"I think it's this way" Fleur says running down another hallway.

"Are you sure it's not that way?" Vi points to the hallway on the opposite side. Fleur stops not sure which way is the right way. "Charlotte, what do you think?"

"You are asking me?" I respond, being just as confused, if not even more confused than both of them combined.

The twins walked by and stopped as soon as they saw our troubled looks.

"Hello ladies"

"What seems to be the problem?" George continues after Fred.

"We cannot find our classroom" I start off.

"Charms class in the spare charms classroom" Fleur reads the timetable with all the locations we were given, but with no directions.

"Oh that's easy" George starts.

"Straight down that corridor, and up a floor"

"Take a left and then a right"

"And you'll arrive" they finish saying together.

"Thanks" Vi grabs onto Fleur and me and starts rushing down the corridor we were told to go through. "I'll see you later" she calls out after the twins.


"Sophie, can you pass me a scone" Nicole asks as she could not reach them from her seat. Sophie passes her a scone, which Nicole immediately starts to eat.

"Want to go outside till the selection starts?" Fred asks George, Vi, Fleur and I.

We all nod, stand up from our places and start walking out of the Great Hall. Once we arrive outside I spot Cho and her group of friends sitting in a circle with a lantern as their only source of light.

"Cho" I call out. She turns around and invites all of us to sit down with her friends. There was also Padma and a girl identical to her, for sure her twin, Parvati. There was also Cedric and two other boys who looked to be our age.

I sat on the floor leaning against the bench Cho and one of the other boys are sitting on.

"You five came at just the right time" Cho tells us.

"And why is that?" I ask curiously.

"Well we were just talking about the champion selection. You three all put your name in right?" She points at me, Vi and Fleur.

"Yep" Vi replied as she nods her head.

"Who do you think will get picked from your school?" one of the boys asks.

"I don't know, maybe Jenny Moreau, she is quite athletic" Fleur says.

"Or Rose Mason, she gets picked for various types of competitions" I continue "Who do you think will get picked from Hogwarts?"

"I'm not sure but we are hoping it is our Cedric here" the boy sitting next to Cedric says causing Cedric to smile.

"As if that's ever going to happen" he tells us.

"You never know" I say. Cedric locks eyes with me once I said that, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"At least it would make my dad proud"

I give him a small frown.

We suddenly hear a loud bell ringing, indicating that the champion selection is about to start.

"Come on, we have to go" Padma says as everyone starts to stand up and starts running to the Great Hall.

We enter the Hall and all eleven of us sit down around one of the tables, in the middle of the room. 

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