Chapter 2

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Hiii rain drops.Very very very late update I know but I've just been super busy with school.

I'll try my best to update on time.

Till later ...Rain drops 💦

Drea's POV

Monday morning I just love Monday why you ask cause I don't have to go to work.I don't get why people hate Monday so much.

I got out of bed and took a shower than I threw on an over sized white hoodie and fish net leggings don't judge me I love me some fish net leggings.

As I make my way to the living room I hear  growling it took me a sec to realize that it was my stomach,well that is not something you hear everyday.

But seriously it's not,I don't normally eat breakfast.I'm just one of those people.

And I know breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day,but is  that just not me.It makes me want to throw up.

So I headed for the kitchen and made me some scrambled eggs,bacon (alot of bacon I just love bacon) and some toast.

And to go with my breakfast I made some coffee with 3 sugars,with only hot milk no water.

After I was done with breakfast I went downstairs to the laundry room and did some laundry.

On my way back to my place I "accidentally" bumped into my neighbour Jade, "yeah right" my inner voice said.

I have been living in this apartment block for almost two years now and from the moment Jade saw me she hated me it was hate at first sight.

Till this day I still haven't figured it out why.She always gives me a nasty look and has a bitchy attitude towards me but guess what I do I give her her attitude right back with a side of sassiness and dripping wet sarcasm.

"Uhmph" we both let out as our bodies collided with each other.

"Watch were you you going Andrea."

"I am so sorry Lade I mean Jade  I just have a lot going on and I wasn't paying attention to were I was walking."

"Just watch where you're going."

She just give me a look and stormed pass me.Turning back to my journey to my apartment I had grin a bounce in my step.

I just love pissing her off. Life is good I said with a sigh.

I made my way back into my apartment and called my mother.
It's been a few days since I have talked to her.

She picked up on the third ring.
Phone conversation:


"Hi mom how are ?"

"My baby I'm okay my love just miss you so much didi,how are you my baby."

"I miss you too ma and I'm ok I'm just thinking of getting another job not that I'm complaining or mean to be ungrateful that I have I job in the first place but it is not cutting it anymore- "

"Baby baby slow down I know what you mean."

"Sorry ma" I said letting out a nervous laughter.

Ma chuckle "that's okay sweetheart,have you gone to any interviews yet."

"No not yet I haven't even applied yet still thinking about it but I told Jullz and she said there is a opening as the CEO's person assistant at the company she works at."

"That's wonderful where does she work again lee's empire..."

Lee's empire I chuckled "That's not even close ma it's Cooper's empire."

"Cooper Cooper Cooper" she mumbles over and over again and I know she's trying to recall where it.

Most likely she's read it somewhere she loves to reeds she is a book worm.Me on the other hand not to so much.

I'm more of a music type of girl.I heard some suffeling like she's looking for something.

"Ma what's with the noise."

"I'm looking for my laptop hah got it."

"Please don't tell me you are about to look it up." I ask even though I know the answer to that.

"Ok I won't tell you than."She said followed by some typing.

"Oh my would you look at that."

I'm probably going to regret this but my curiosity got the best of me.

"What what mum what did you find."

"Well sweetie I just did a quick search on Coopers empire and baby I'm not disappointed not..not at all."


"Baby if only I was 25 years younger talk about tall,dark and handsome and the eyes wow."

"Mimi came you can't seriously be-"

"Baby he looks perfect for you yeah I can so see him and you together."
And there it is mum playing cupid again.

Me and my mum have a very open relationship and we talk about everything and anything under the sun.

That includes my not so existent love life.

She is more like a best friend than a mother to me.

"Ma stop it don't go there,I'm looking for a job not a man."

" Honey I'm just looking out for you you know I want you to be happy and.."she stops but I know all to well what she was about to say next.

"..and" i stretch out the word.

"I want grandbabies" I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah ma I know how badly you want to be a grandmother."

"I'm just really missing the feeling of a baby the smell of a baby,but I'm sure as hell not about to have a baby no thank you."

"Oh so now you want me to have you a baby."

"No I want you to have babies."

"For that to happen I need to get a man first and I don't see that happening anytime soon."

A few hours later as the sun began to set we rolled up our conversation and disused to call it a night.

It's still pretty early but mum has work tomorrow and as much as I don't want to I also have work tomorrow.

I did my night routine under the covers and called it a night.

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