Chapter 3

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My alarm went off at 6:45am cause I have to be at work by 8:00.I did my morning routine and hailed a cap and was on my way.

I pad the driver and check in at 7:45am 15 minutes to spare. I've been as a waitress at Mumma's for about a year and a half now. Mr.Carter my boss is the coolest boss you'll meet.

At this point he is more of a father to me than a boss since I never knew my biological father.

Whenever I asked my mother about him she'll  always tell me he had to go away to work but as I got older I notice hurt and longing in her eyes.

I just hope that one day she'll open up to me. Just before I start with my shift I pop my head in his office but today I got pulled aside by one of my best friends and colleague Nala.

Nala and I met at work and have been inseparable.She has short raven black hair, big hazelnut eyes.She is just as tall as I am and she is not afraid to show off her long flawless legs.

"Heyy Drea long time no see how you been."She asked as she gives me I hug so tight it's cutting off my air supply.

"C-can't b-breathe"

"Oh!"She says as we are breaking apart and she started to giggle.

I just smiled at her before I answered her "I'm fine I guess I'm job hunting."

"You're leaving me."She pout.

"I'm not leaving you I'm leaving this job cause I really need one that pays more some of us have bills you know."

Nala comes from a rich family and doesn't need to work but she wants to see how it is to work for your own money and not just get it at the clap of the hands her words not mine.

"yeah yeah yeah I get it girl." She says as she look at the time. "Time to start the show girl."

"See you later bae."

And we went our separate way and just any other day I had to deal with very rude customers. Sometimes I wish I can just slap them but don't wanna get into trouble with Mr.Carter.

After my firts break I've noticed that only one of my assigned tables was occupied. There were two men and a woman from what I can see the women was beautiful she looks like she she belongs on a runway.

The mens backs were to me so I couldn't see their faces bit I could tell that the suits they where wearing are very expensive.

What are people like them doing in a places like Mummas. As I made my way to the table I was able to see the mens faces. And boy oh boy were they handsome.

Now I never think or see my customers in such a light but I am very much a woman and the men are just wow. Up close I can tell that that they were all related.

"Hey I am Andrea and I'll be your waiter today what can I get you?" I asked as I got out my notepad and pen out."

All three heads turn to me.

"I'll have one of a special sandwich it you choose and a black coffee." Said the man sitting by the window and rudely may I add. The woman reach across the table and slaped his arm.

"Ow! What's that for?" The man asked rubbing the spot she just slapped.

She sent him a 'you know why' look but did not answer him.She turned to me. "Please excuse my rude cousin here apparently he woke up on the wrong side of the bed."She said with a apologetic smile.

I feel someone staring at me and saw it's the other man while they all have similar features this one looks like a male version of the woman they must be twins.I looked to him and I saw a smirk making its way to his lips.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You already did." I said that makes his smirk get wider.

"Oh God no please don't". The woman said under her breath.

"Where are you from?" What? I asked myself and feel my brows slightly turn into a frown but he continued anyway.

"Are you from heaven because you are the only angle I see." Cocky I see.

"Oh God and there it is why do you always have to do that?" She asked him "You are embarrassing me."

The man turned to her and asked "And how was that embarrassing you?" And rise a brow challenging her.

"We are twins and if you keep acting like an idiot people are going to think I am just as an idiot as you are." The man by the window throw his head back as he laughed clearly enjoying the barking between the two.

Wow he can laugh he does not seem like the guy that has talked to me a few minutes ago." Oh now you laugh" Said the women. He held his hand up in surrender and said" Heyy don't bite me focus on your brother"and chuckled.

She turned to me and smile." Sorry about that we are keeping you from your job now let's order. I'll have the same as my cousin but replace the coffee with a strawberry milkshake please.

"And I'll have a subway with a bubblegum milkshake" Than his twin threw him with a pen.

"Ow!!why are you so abusive." She sent him a glanced and he added a "please". I may have laught a little ok I did laugh can you really blame me.

"Will that be all?" I askes still having a smile plastered on my face.

"Yes that will be all thank you." She said as she handed the menu back to me.

I had a smile for most of the day which went by in a blink of an eye. When I got home I took a shower, made myself something to eat.

I went to bed thinking about my day and the twins it made me wonder what kind of relationship me and my sibling would've had if I had I brother or sister and with that I closed my eyes and I got invited to dreamland.
Heyy Rain drops 💦 long chapter I know....

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