More was coming. Emrys knew that for a fact. The young woman that he held in his arms was shaking. Emrys looked down at her and questioned, "What's your name?" She looked up at him and replied very faintly, "Adara. I was Jules' maid and one of the best. I am trying to feed my friend's little sister who is 6 years old. She works in the fields and I might not be able to see her again." Her lower lip started to tremble as she held in her cry. The sailor knelt down so that he was able to make eye contact. He rubbed her shoulders and replied, "Hey, hey, hey. It's going to be okay. You will get back to her and your friend. We just have to get out of this good-for-nothing ocean." She couldn't help it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "You are so nice." Emrys smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Then the creature from the ocean ran straight into the raft.
When the tiger shark ran into the raft, Adara and Emrys both fell into the water. Emrys saw bubbles go up into his vision so he couldn't see Adara. His eyes burned from the salty water. He turned and saw Adara swimming away from a shark that was coming hard and fast. He started to swim and reached for her hand. Adara's hand extended and was pulled into his arms. She turned her head and screamed in her mouth. Emrys moved out of the way, but when he did, Adara was scratched by the sand papered skin. Her dress was ripped on the side and blood was going everywhere in the water. Emrys threw Adara onto his back and swam to the surface. He saw a board that could only hold two and paddled hard. "Adara! Are you okay!" Emrys could only hear a whimper.
After what seemed like forever, he finally reached it. He lifted up the maiden's arms off his neck and helped her onto the board. She gasped and moaned. He heaved himself up and immediately began to stop the blood flow, but it was all over her side in little scratches. He looked around and saw no movement. He looked at his white shirt, ripped off a piece, and pressed it against her side. She moaned while the pressure was being applied.
Jules breathed out through her nose and felt a drizzle of blood go down her nose. "Jules! Are you okay! I," Maribella started before she screamed at the top of her lungs. Jules turned towards the screaming. Following the queen's eyes, the princess went to a striped dorsal fin with her violet eyes. Jules grasped her mother's hand. "Jules, we can't leave! We need to stay with Charles and the sword!" Jules panicked! "Mother! We can't stay here! We have to leave and find land!" Maribella released from her daughter's grasp and sank to the ground. "Mother, I will lead this beast away from you. If I don't come back when the sun is highest in the sky, get away from here." Before the queen could complain, Jules dived into the water.
Jules broke the surface. Her body quaked from the rippling, cold water. She whipped her head behind her. Everything was still. Jules turned in a circle, frantically, searching for the dark creature. "Look below you," a voice whispered to her. The princess placed her head near the surface to find the tiger shark propelling upward. "No." Jules swam harder and wanted to look behind her. She breathed hard, but felt that the beast was right behind her. She saw a man and woman crouched down in a ball. She paddled harder with water flying up in the air.
"Emrys. Emrys," Adara whispered into the man's ear. "Mmmmm," he groaned as he laid on her shoulder. "Emrys! We need to help someone that is in the water," Adara shook his shoulder hard. "What!" He pulled off her arm and squinted into the Sun. "Oh my gosh. That is the princess, Jules!" Emrys swung his legs into the water. "Your Highness! Over here!"
Jules' eyes searched for the voice when she saw 1st mate, Emrys Bronkriesse. Then she felt pain in her calf. Before she knew it, she was pulled under the water. Blood started to surround her. Jules screamed as bubbles escaped out through her nostrils.

Ship Wrecked
General FictionA princess, an unlikely villain, and life filled with love and loss. Jules Wakefield, a princess of Minuta, embarks on a journey to witness an alliance being formed that can change her kingdom. However, the tides turn when a mythological sea creatur...