Jules peered at Maribella as they heard a hiss behind him. The male looked behind him and yelped. A black snake with coal black scales that shimmered in the moonlight was coiled up by the door. Leaping onto the copper-skinned back of the crewmate, the snake's fangs injected into the body. As the man's face started to go gray and went darker, Jules and Maribellas' feet were immovable. The man's body started to flake as ashes from a fire and his blood came out blue. As the snake's body started to form into a larger serpent, Jules and Maribella took off running. Maribella was released from Jules. Jules slowed her pace as raindrops caressed her face. Maribella looked at the side of the ship, with an expression that said that death was coming for her. Jules slowly turned around and saw an eye that was black as hell.
The screech rang out and Jules saw Nick lying helpless on the floor boards. Maribella saw Jules looking at Nick. Touching her shoulder, Maribella whispered, "Save him. Even what he did to us. We need to forgive and forget." Jules' eyes closed them and opened them. Jules reached up to touch the fingers of her mother. Feeling nothing there, she realized that she heard her mother wail. Jules flipped around and saw her mother looking over the side of the ship. Jules ran to the side of the ship as she saw serpents starting to devour a body. Looking in horror, they realized that no one should get thrown overboard. Feeling the presence of her father, the princess ran to Nick. Maribella ran to find other men to help.
Touching Nick's face, she tried to boost him up. Groaning as she tried to lift him, the floorboards started to ache. Nick's eyes flashed open. Pushing Jules aside, he ran and grabbed as many surviving men. The boards started to break. Jules looked up and saw the serpent go underwater. Feeling like the earth was going to spin right away from the sun, the princess sprinted over to Nick. Nick was holding onto the wooden rail as tight as he could. Jules looked at his hands and saw his knuckles turning pure white. Feeling the presence of Jules, Nick grabbed her arm as hard as he could. Jules, trying so hard to pull away, was slashing wildly around Nick's face. Nick didn't even flinch one bit. Pulling her into his arms, he shouted, "Don't freak out!"
"Why should I believe you!"
"I am trying to save your life!"
"You killed my father! Shouldn't you have spared his life!"
"Jules! Lets-"
He was cut off abruptly when a moan made the ship quake. Jules felt the ship start to spin. Looking over the side of the ship, she saw only black flashes fly by. Nick pulled her into his arms. Squirming underneath his grip, the ship started to spin faster and faster. Nick's grip loosened as Jules started to hear the boat ache and break. "What's happening!" Jules peered over the edge. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

Ship Wrecked
Narrativa generaleA princess, an unlikely villain, and life filled with love and loss. Jules Wakefield, a princess of Minuta, embarks on a journey to witness an alliance being formed that can change her kingdom. However, the tides turn when a mythological sea creatur...