58. The Nature Of Change*

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The soft patter of rain woke Elery. Her eyes, weighed down by the swelling from long hours of crying, opened slowly. She sat up, struggling to understand why she heard the rain but felt none of it.

"Go back to sleep," Isandel murmured.

"I would if I were able," she said. "Were it snowing I doubt I'd have woken." She got to her knees and reached out, groping blindly in the darkness. Her knee bumped something and she stopped. Slowly reaching down, she touched a long, furred leg.

"The spirits here keep the air too warm to allow snow to fall," Isandel said. "These are spoiled creatures. Pampered as they are, I imagine part of their objection lies in the loss of the comfort they are used to."

The grass rustled against his body as he shifted and his scales dragged against her bare arm. The covering above her shifted and the brief glance revealed the moons were hidden behind the thick covering of clouds. The island was silent and dark with no lanterns to illuminate the night. A few flowers held glowing properties, but their light was exclusive to themselves. It was not strong enough to cast any meaningful illumination over the field. His wing stretched, shuddered, then settled into place once again.

Dakkan's leg shifted but he showed no sign of rousing.

Elery rested both hands on the ground to crawl closer to Isandel. She extended one hand and continued forward until her fingers bumped his side. "I've never seen darkness so complete", she murmured.

"I must admit it unsettles even me," Isandel said.

She gasped as a force against her side caused her to topple. His arm swept her close. Before she could object he held her cradled against him. She shifted to lay comfortably in the crook of his limb as her cheek rested against his warm scales. They transferred body heat as well as flesh, though they lacked the soft and supple nature of skin.

Deep inside she knew his true form should have cast doubts on the feelings developing inside her. She should have felt disgusted at the thought of loving a being not of her own race. No matter how deep her feelings ran for him, acting on them in any other form than his half-seryn one would be impossible. After all, she couldn't imagine herself laying with him in any other form. Beyond the impossibility mating would pose, it was simply an uncomfortable thought. That dredged up feelings of insecurity, even shame. Did she only love his face? Was his familiar appearance all that mattered?

She sighed and closed her eyes. How can I think such things with the matters at hand?

"What is the matter?" he asked.

Her face grew warm and she shook her head. "It is nothing."

"This form bothers you now, does it not?"

"It...does not bother me, I simply feel guilty for admitting to myself that I couldn't imagine us coupling while you're in this natural state."

He chuckled. "You're imagining coupling with me now?"

His silken tone was filled with amusement and it only caused her face to grow hotter. "It is a passing thought. If we are to be together I imagine it will happen eventually."

"You needn't worry, nor should you feel guilty. I've no qualms about spending my life with you in another form. Many dragons have done it before and many will do it after. How do you imagine Gaidel fathered our young drakborne beside me?"

"I can't say I understand how a seryn and dragon could produce offspring at all," she admitted.

"If I could explain it myself, I would. I suppose all I can offer is that evolution favors our race heavily." He rested his neck and head forward. He shifted his wing once more. "Now sleep. We'll have time to talk of our future once we've resolved the present situation."

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