24. Emergence*

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With the events of the past days fresh in mind Elery was glad for the silence and relative stillness of their travels south, toward the mouth of the massive river leading to the western lands.

Isandel's words remained heavy in her chest and her mark weighed heavier about her wrist. A weight she could cast off, if she chose.

You need to be honest.

Elery slammed her hand against the railing and turned her back to the water. It was mid-day; they'd been sailing a stiff breeze all day, making good time. She knew she should be talking to the others and getting information from Isandel but she couldn't bear to see him again yet.

The slosh of the water against the side of the boat and the ocean spray did little to distract her mind from weightier thoughts. Thought she fought it, she knew he was right.

She moved across the ship to find Cylphi talking with a few of the crew members. When she saw Elery approach she turned and said, "They say the weather should hold through the night. Hopefully even until we make it to The Pass."

"We are fortunate, then. Something I don't think we've seen much of." Elery rubbed the mark on her wrist. "Might we talk in private?"

Cylphi glanced at the mark, then back to the crew. She nodded her goodbye and left with Elery to find a private spot near the rear mast.

"I know...I know he was in love with you."

Cylphi's smile faded. Her fair skin tinged with pink and she bit her lip. "I—"

"I don't blame you." Elery gripped the girl's hands in her own. "I don't blame anyone. That isn't why I bring this to light. Please don't misunderstand, I hold no grudge against either of you."

"But I'm the reason your mark was never finished!" Cylphi lowered her head and raised her hands to her face to hide.

"And I thank you for it."

Her companion moved her hands.

"I did not want a life with him." Elery crossed her arms and leaned against the mast. Her gaze drifted to the side to watch the distant shore pass by. "I was mistaken in my affections for him. Seeing him with you, I realized that, but could not bring myself to admit it. I hid behind a false love and told myself when the ceremony was over I would learn to love him as I should. Lies upon lies...they are a toxic thing." She looked at Cylphi once more. "You set my path right and proved yourself to be a true friend when you turned him away. I only wish I'd possessed your honesty. Things may not have gotten this far."

Light shone from under her shirt and illuminated Cylphi's face far beyond what the midday sun was capable. Elery stumbled back and pressed her hands to her chest. The cloth, even her hands, did nothing to dull the glow.

"It's okay," Cylphi said, touching her hands. If her eyes suffered from the light, her companion did not show it. "Draw your hands back slowly. Focus on the familiar."

Elery closed her eyes. Her hands warmed and a flutter of energy brushed against her skin. As she pulled her hands from her chest she opened her eyes to see a thin trail of white energy between her palms and her chest.

"That's it." Cylphi's brown eyes were alight with excitement.

The thin trail grew thicker and began to swirl, forming a tight ball in her palms. Soon it grew too big for her hands to contain. The ball hung in the air between them, pulsing with light, growing larger by the second.

Their antics did not go unnoticed. The crew took notice of the light and gathered, momentarily forgetting their posts.

Isandel watched from across the ship, a perch he'd retained since their last conversation. His crimson eyes were wide, though probably no wider than Elery's.

The energy spun and began to twist, wrapping in on itself and folding as a baker folded dough.

"Wh-what is it doing?" Cylphi whispered.

Her words spurred a quick pulse of fear through Elery. Cylphi was the one with experience. For her to question it...

The spirit took the same shape as it had in the cave. It had the body of a young female seryn with a complex pair of horns that branched in multiple directions, and the lean, hoofed legs of a molner. Her long tail twitched, sending thick, white fur shivering with each movement. She was just as she appeared in the cave.

Only much larger.

As her delicate hooves clipped against the deck Elery found they were roughly the same height. Every inch of her bare skin glowed. Her deep blue eyes closed momentarily as she stretched her arms toward the sky. The muscles in her body quivered at the strain, sending little shivers through her short, white hair.

As the group stood stared at Misani, she threw her arms to the side as if to embrace the world.

"It's so wonderful to be free!"

Cylphi clapped her hands over her mouth to stifle a gasp.

The others were not quite so discreet. They voiced their awe and fear openly, each taking a step back.

Misani looked around. She tilted her head. "What troubles you?"

Even Elery could explain this. "Familiars...do not speak."

"I am no simple familiar," the spirit said. A wide grin spread across her face.

"So we can see," Elery replied.

Misani ran to the port side of the boat and leaned over the rail. "So much has changed! It's just as you told me, Isandel!" She turned again and hurried to the starboard side.

The crew kept their distance. Many shook far harder than could be explained by the increasing yaw of the ship.

"Stop," Elery said.

Misani looked back. Her smile didn't fade.

"Familiars do not speak," she said again. "So then, if you are no familiar, I demand to know just what power I've bound myself to."

Misani clacked her hoof against the deck and chuckled.

A swell of heat burst forth from Elery's chest. She cupped her hands over the spot and gasped as she collapsed to her knees.

With the sound of her hoof against the wood, with that one simple movement, the ship, the water, and all else around them faded into nothing.

Once again, Elery was alone.

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