36. The Reply*

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The expression set upon the guard's face was some mix of incredulity and rage. His body trembled as one standing on an active fault. No doubt his sharp tongue sought the target he dared not set it against. With a controlled breath the man threw the garment at her. "Dress," he said stiffly.

She caught the dress and depositing it on the bed before walking back to the bathroom once more. After collecting a towel to dry herself she emerged again and said, "I do apologize—"

The guard held up his hand. He was most certainly at the limits of his patience.

Tugging on the dress, she turned her head at the sound of shuffling glass. Isandel climbed back through the window, seeming no worse from his tumble through the pane. Though tempted to speak, Elery chose silence as she followed the guard from the room.

A few castle guards glared as they passed but the servants took a different attitude. A few smirked and one giggled. They scrambled back to their cleaning as their escort turned his steely glare toward them.

Gaidel waited in the same room in which they'd first spoken. A cup of tea sat before him on the white wood table. He looked up as she entered, sipped from the cup, then sighed. "Please take a seat, Elery. I've received word you caused a disturbance in the street."

"She broke a window in her room as well, sir," the guard said.

"Broke a window?" he asked.

"Princess Elery threw her companion through it, M'lord."

His gaze flickered from her to Isandel. "I would prefer to speak to the princess in private."

"I'm sure." Isandel walked in and took a seat.

Gaidel sighed. "Guard, please escort him away."

Isandel snarled and bared his teeth. "If he lays a hand on me I shall remove it."

Elery groaned. "Isandel, please. You've caused enough trouble. Just do as he asks."

The dragon slammed his tail against the floor and a resounding thump echoed through the small space. He fixed his gaze on Gaidel and stood, growling as the guard escorted him from the room.

Two other knights stood on either side of the door, their arms folded behind their backs, as Gaidel gestured to the table. "Elery."

She sat and picked up the silver teacup in front of her.

"The rest of you may leave," Gaidel told the guards.

"But sir—"

"She'll cause me no harm. Now, leave."

Elery sipped some tea as the men left. She set the cup down after the door clicked shut. "I apologize, your Majesty—"

Gaidel chuckled. "Did you really throw the dragon through your window, M'lady?"

"Yes," she murmured. "Forgive me, I let my temper get the best of me."

"I would say so." His tone was not condemning, but jovial. "Your father spoke of your temper but I never imagined you would flog a man's bare rear in the city streets."

"You...aren't upset?" She looked up from her teacup to find him smiling.

"I suppose I should be, but to be honest I cannot find it in me. Many a molner has been stripped from that rider's possession yet he simply buys more from independent breeders. We've no charges on which to arrest him and cannot enforce a ban on possession of molner. To know he received some shred of punishment beyond what our system metes out..." He chuckled and raised his teacup. "I salute you, my dear."

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