13. Down The Rabbit Hole Part 2*

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"Elery, come now darling," Dallyn's voice came from outside her bedroom.

Elery stared into her mirror, flexing her fingers at her side.

Something was missing.

The bedroom door opened and Dallyn walked in. "You look fine. Since when do you care so much about your appearance?"

She let her gaze drift from her reflection to his. "I just don't feel well."

"The wedding was very stressful for you, I'm sure," he said, curling his arms around her. "But it's done with now. All we need do now is make a few appearances, appease our parents and their friends, and the time beyond is ours."

"Parents..." She put a hand on her head, then gasped, "But my parents were...and you—"

"It was a dream, darling. Just a dream. There is no war; there was no attack. Can you still not remember?"

She raised her arm to look at the bondmark. It was complete and golden like the sun.

He took her hand and kissed it. "Come now, we have breakfast with our family, then we must make ourselves seen around Lyewryn."

She laced her fingers with his and walked out with him, down the hall past several servants who paused to smile and bow. The last vestiges of a painful nightmare, one she struggled to remember, clung to the fringes of her mind. "It feels as if I've been away from home."

"You've been distant these past days. I worried perhaps you were ill so we hurried you to the healer. She assured us it was merely stress and that we should allow you to rest." He squeezed her hand and turned his head to look at her, then smiled and stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, leaning in to kiss her.

Her stomach tightened until a dull ache radiated through her core, but she suppressed it and curled her arms around his neck to hold him close.

When he broke the kiss he frowned. "What's wrong? You look as though you're in pain."

"I..." She shook her head. "It was just an upsetting dream. I dreamed I'd lost you. That our bondmark had never been completed."

He laughed. "But I'm right here. And look." He held her hand up. "As perfect as you."

The tightness did not subside. "Yes, I know." She looked around. The familiar pillars lining the hall, the vases full of flowers she'd seen all her life...all there. She let her gaze travel up the high arches to the peak of the roof. Glowing lantern stones hung in elegant arrays, forming beautiful chandeliers.

"I don't remember the very end of the dream," she murmured as they began walking again. "I was trying to do something very important. Something..."

"It isn't important," he said. "Please, forget about it. You'll only worry yourself into sickness if you dwell on such unpleasant things." His hand, warm and familiar like the brightly-lit surroundings, tightened a fraction to squeeze hers. "A good meal will do you well."

They descended the circular staircase and found their way to the dining hall. Their parents, as well as visiting ambassadors from the allied kingdoms, sat at the long table talking among themselves. Duke Erwell slapped her father on the back and laughed.

All eyes turned to Elery and Dallyn.

The group stood and applauded their arrival, welcoming them with warm smiles and open arms. Elery released Dallyn and threw herself into her father's arms. Her fingers curled into his clothes. The thick fabric crumpled in her hand and she breathed in the scent of his soap and the faint hint of drakwind he'd smoked earlier in the day.

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