31. Words With The King*

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King Gaidel was a slender man of very little presence. Elery couldn't help but wonder if the man had ever seen combat as he took a seat across from her at the small table in his meeting chambers. It was not his size that made her wonder—it was the delicateness of his speech and mannerisms.

"I've looked forward to meeting you for years, Princess." A smile spread across his youthful face and he tilted his head to one side. His auburn hair tumbled over his left horn. The horns were as slender as he and spiraled down around his ear to a point just at his jaw.

"I only wish it were under better circumstances, King—"

He lifted his hand from his lap and waved. "Please, formalities...You may call me Gaidel if I may call you Elery."

She nodded. "Forgive me. I suppose with the death of my parents I am now rightfully Queen, but..."

"Forgiveness is not needed. I am sorry to learn the fate of your dear parents. They've been friends to my kingdom for as long as I can recall." He raised his hand and waved to a servant. "Fetch lunch for us. I am sure Elery is starving from her long trip."

The woman he'd beckoned gave a short bow before she walked from the room at a brisk clip.

"I did not expect you to arrive so soon. Your message suggested you would arrive by ship."

"That was the plan but there were complications." She folded her arms on the table and leaned forward. "The necrocasters have taken the bodies of more than just dead seryn and lycar. They now gather corpses of dragons to set against us."

The man shivered. "Necrocasters...a foul lot. We've been fortunate to stay out of their sight."

"That will not last." Elery took a deep breath. "The source of their power lies in the east, in Bethgardel, and I seek an army to help destroy it."

"The source...you know what power they use?" Gaidel leaned forward "How?"


His forehead pinched. "Our runics felt a powerful disruption a short time ago. I take it that was him?"

"I cannot say for certain. A lot has happened." She clasped her hands on the table and rubbed one thumb slowly against the other. "I would not ask your involvement if I had any forces left. My army is in ruin. More than half of Duke Erwell's army is in hiding with my kingdom's survivors. The other half hides in the Lizumite chambers with the survivors from Andethayn."

"This is troubling indeed." Gaidel stood and began to pace. "What is your strategy?"

"To gain more support than our opponent can. She will not hesitate to set her forces against us, to wipe out all she can, and recruit their lifeless husks into her ranks. The more we can unite, the fewer she will have to use against us."

"A wise idea for someone so young. You are every bit the strategist your father portrayed you to be." He stopped pacing and turned to look out the window. "Where are your companions? And the dragon?"

"When last I was with them they sailed for Ildaugh Pass to recruit the knights stationed there. As for the dragon, I sent him out to ensure the city was safe."

"Unsupervised?" His voice was high, as if she'd admitted to leaving a herd of wild delk in the middle of the square.

"He is bound to me. Should he become a hindrance I will put him in his place. I've done it once already."

The servant re-entered the room with a cart of food. The wheels squeaked as she pushed it across the bare wooden floor. She smiled when she came to a stop beside the table.

Gaidel approached a large, arching window behind Elery and placed his hands on the sill. "What would you have me do?"

"Ready your troops." She turned in her seat to look at him as the servant portioned food for them both. "My people have begun the trip to Ortuna's Bastion. I would suggest you lead your citizens into hiding as well. Use the Mormouth passage. Take them to the refuge as well."

He sighed. "Mormouth has not been used for well over one hundred seasons. You know what dwells in those depths."

"You cannot risk open transport of your citizens. There is no other way to reach Ortuna. I will accompany you if I must but I fear for the safety of my companions. I wish to return to them as quickly as possible."

He turned from the window and nodded. "I will send a scout team ahead to clear what may yet lurk in the shadows of Mormouth. You have full command of my troops once the evacuation begins. Until then I ask that you give me time to prepare." He returned to the table. "Tell me of our enemy." He picked some fruit from the side of his plate as the servant rolled the tray away.

Elery recounted everything as she ate and silently worried. Though she'd wanted Isandel out of her sight she couldn't staunch the concern welling in her chest. Would he run? Might he cause harm to someone in her absence? His behavior with Jesset troubled her more than she'd cared to admit at the time.

If left to his own devices, would she later find that he'd done everything he'd whispered to the guard?

"If this phoenix is stationary we have only to push our way through her ranks." Gaidel finished the last of his food and pushed the plate aside. "Is a large army necessary?"

"We do not know what her forces consist of for certain. Seryn and lycar, as well as dragon." She sighed heavily. "And as I've come to learn, there are far more races to the world than we are aware of. I would rather we found them, considering the..." A shudder caressed her back at the memory of the giant beast at the Andethayn wall. "Considering the beast I saw only a short time ago."

"What was it?"

She shook her head. "I know not, but it had a fell aura. My companion confirmed it was not a familiar, but what it was..." She lowered her head. "It was monstrous. Its hide like midnight, with a dusting of white spots like stars across the sky. Its shape was unclear. Even in the light of the fire, I could not discern it."

"A rune beast..." he said in an awed whisper.

She furrowed her brow. "You know of this monstrosity?"

"They are monsters of legend," he said. "Beasts of another realm, pulled through by runics who delve too deep into the Hinderlend. Some even say the rune beast is born when the runics are devoured by their own summoned creatures."

"But no one knows for certain?"

"I've not seen one in my lifetime, nor have any I know, but I can think of nothing else that fits your description." He stood from his seat. "I'll muster my forces and let you know when we are ready the moment I hear word of their preparedness. Until then please try to rest. I'm sure you are anxious to return to your comrades, but if they reach Ildaugh Pass I've no doubt we will hear word of it."

"I appreciate your hospitality. If there is anything my kingdom might do for you once this conflict passes, please don't hesitate to let me know. I intend to repay your kindness to the best of my ability." Elery stood and saluted, then turned to walk out.

"Elery," he called out as she reached the door.

She turned back.

"Please be sure he behaves himself. That is all I ask."

With a nod she walked out and closed the chamber door behind her.

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