Chapter 1

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                 Every night, exactly 3AM. Blane would have his daily terrified nightmare. It would always start with him stranded alone in the middle of the woods looking for shelter because he was cold,hungry, and tied. While he wandered alone he would hear an evil laugh behind him like someone was following him, but every time he turned around there was no one there. As each step he would take, the laughter would get closer. As the laughter got closer to him he felt like someone was going to get him. Before he could try to turn around his eye caught something.

It was a small abandoned house that seemed to be very old. Blane really didn't care if it was old or not, he ran to the building and took shelter there. As Blane walks in the front door he feels a suddenly evil presence chilling down his spine. He knew he wasn't alone, at least that's what he thought to himself. He walked down through the hallway of the abandoned house to see if there was anyone in the house. No one was. As he was about to make himself welcome here, he noticed one of the room doors open by itself. Blane walked to the door and was about to close it, but noticed someone was in the room.

"Hello?...Is someone in there?"Blane asked as he walked in the room.

The room was pitch black so he couldn't see anyone besides a shadow figure. The shadow figure looked like a small fox, but he had two tails. Was it a demon, Blane thought. He noticed the fox was standing by a chair which was aiming at a Tv where a game system was on. It was very strange for a game to be on and the fox wasn't playing it. Blane looked at the TV to see what game was playing. But all the tv screen was saying "Hide n Seek". His was all creepy for Blane, so he was about to step out of the room and leave.

But then the fox said "What's the matter?Scared?" He laughs a bit "You know I didn't just leave the TV on for no reason. Why don't you sit down and play it?"

"Oh uh...No Thanks, I just came here for a place to sleep. And I'm guessing I should leave."Blane Said

"No, I assist you have a seat right here" Fox placed his hand by the arm of the chair. "Besides...I think you might like the game."

Blane though for a moment and said "Maybe I guess it wouldn't hurt to play a bit"

He sat down at the chair that the Fox was standing by. Before he could take a look at the fox the game had already started. His eyes were now focused on the game rather than to the fox. He started playing the game. The game was like its title was, hide n seek. He was playing as Sonic The Hedgehog, his favorite thing in the world. He was controlling Sonic to find the hider. After minutes of trying to find the hider on the game he was about to give up but suddenly he saw Tails on the game. Was Tails the hidder he thoughted. Suddenly his character Sonic moves toward Tails on his own. Once Sonic approached Tails, the screen suddenly glitches and turns black.

As the screen turned black, Blane felt a cold hand touch his shoulder. His made him panic a bit, but before he could respond to that the tv screen lights up. The screen said "Now it's your turn to h-". The screen scentene did not finish its sentence. Suddenly he felt the cold hand on him squeezing his shoulder hurting him. He turned his head to look at who was hurting him. Then his eyes lay dead straight in horror at him. He started to tremble in fear as he looked at the dead and demotic looking fox.

"Tails!?"He said, "I thought you were dead?"

Tails smiled creepily and said "Im....and soon you'll be"

and soon you'll be"

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