Aouther Note

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I hope you all enjoy his story as much as I did writting it. Sorry if the

story is a bit confusing, I tried to have some logic that make sence it the book. Also sorry if there is some spelling errors. I did indeed proof read and corret stuff while writing his. But I do hope you enjoy his, it took me 2 weeks or half a month to make his. Im planning to make more fan fict stuff not just about Sonic but other stuff.

If anyone like his story and wants more exes stuff well lets just say my next story will be about Shadow.exe. I wont tell you what will happen in it but I will say its going to be a mess up story.

Also if you guys didnt like the ending of his book I was originaly going to make an dark ending but didnt. But if you wanna see the dark ending be my guest. But be warn its scary.

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