Chapter 5

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After a while, Blane woke up back in the guest room at Ivy house. His head hurted like hell when he gotted up. Than he remeber what happen. He defeated Sonic.exe. He was safe now. He got up and walked out of the room. He notice his friend Ivy was outside of the room waiting for him.

"Oh thank goodness your ok" Ivy said.

"Im fine. How did I got up here?Last i remeber I was dy-...I mean lying down on the floor in the living room" Blane said.

"Sonic carried you up here. Come on, hes downstair's" She excitingly said.

"Woah Sonic!?How hes down there, hes fake?" Blane question

"Come down and see" She said.

Ivy rushed downstairs like someone famous was down there. Blane wonder why she was all so excited. So Blane walked downstair to see what she was talking about. Then he couldnt belive his eyes. She was right, Sonic was right there in the flesh. Blane was very speechless and couldnt belive what he was seeing.

"Sonic?...Is that really you?" Blane asked

"The one and only kid"Sonic said as he grins.

"The one and only kid"Sonic said as he grins

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Blane walked over to him and hugged him. He started to cry tears of joy scene he was gald to see Sonic wasnt being tourterd anymore. Though he was happy that Sonic is alright but he didnt understand how Sonic was here in realilty. Well it didnt matter to him, he just glad that Sonic was safe. Sonic soon gently pushed him away scence he was feeling abit uncomforble.

"So did you really defeated Sonic.exe?"Ivy asked.

"Yeah? did you know?" Blane asked.

"Well Sonic told me. He told me that you were able to free him from Sonic.exe" Ivy said.

"Yeah, your lucky I was there to pull you out of the game before you actullay died" Sonic said.

"Well...thank you for saving me" Blane said.

"No..."Sonic said as he places his hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for saving me"

"Your welcome" Blane said.

Blane was glad to save Sonic and defeated Sonic.exe. Blane now feels like an actule hero now. He feel like he Sonic new partner. But of cousre he knew he wasnt because Tails was his partner. He did though got to hang out with Sonic for quiet some time. But after a month. It was time for Sonic to go back home to his game. So Blane was at his house getting ready to send Sonic back home.

"Do you really have to leave" Blane asked.

"Im sorry but Ive to." Sonic said.

"Will I ever see you again" Blane asked.

"Maybe not...but hey dont cry. You and I had a good time together for the pass month. Besides, I always will be in your memories." Sonic said.

Blane took a deep breath and said "I know. Well goodbye Sonic."

"Goodbye Blane" Sonic said.

Blane hugged Sonic one more time knowing it was Sonic's time to go. So Sonic suddenly got sucked back into his tv back to his world. Blane see Sonic leave right infront of him and wave goodbye. As Sonic gets back in the game, the Xbox 360 ejects the game CD. Blane grab it and breaks in half so he wont have experience Sonic.exe again. Blane tried not to cry becasue he just saw he favorite hedegog leave.

After a breif momment, Blane turn his Xbox 360 off and walked out of his bedroom. Blane will never forget about Sonic, or how he save Sonic. He will always be with him in his memories.

Years later, Blane is now 17 years old. He got done with one of his walks, and is entering his house. On his way in, he notice something odd. Someone else has been here. He thought maybe his brother was here. He looked around and saw no one. He thought maybe he was just imagining things. Than suddenly he notice there was a Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy plushie on his bed. He never remeber having those. He also notice a note by the plushies. He garbs it and looks at it. It was a note written by Sonic and the others

"Dear Blane

I hope you havnt forgotten about us. Were still you favorite things. Were sorry that Sonic.exe control us and gave you a fright. - From Tails

But we hope your doing well right now. Maybe sometimes you can hang out with us if you ever wanna play our game. -From Knuckles

Im sure you probaly will have a fun time with us. After all we are awesome. -From Amy

Just in case you ever feeling sad or loney, remeber. We are always there for you. -From Sonic.

From Your Favorite Team. Team Sonic

PS:Look under your bed for a suprise"

Blane finished reading the note, looked under his bed to see a present under there. He grab it and open it. It was a new Sonic game. He putted into his old Xbox 360 and starts it up. As he started up he something magicly come out of the Tv. It was Blanes friend.

"Sonic" Blane Happily said.


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