Chapter 2

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          Now after what he thought happened last summer, he didn't realize his class was over. His teacher told him class ended five minutes ago. He forgot he even was at school because he was so foucing on remebering last summer. Blane got up from his desk and went to his other class. He arrived at his class to sit to take his science class. Blane never really care about science. He always hated it.

While he was listening to his science teacher about today's lesson, he heard someone whisper his name. Blane jumped and looked around to see who said his name. No one in the class did. So Blane just shrugged it off and went back focusing on what his teacher was saying. Then someone whispered his name again. He look around again to see who it was whispering his name. And again no one did.

Blane thought he was just being paranoid but he noticed something was outside his class window. He turned head toward the window to see what it was. He saw it was Tails.exe outside. Tails.exe just creepily smiled and waves at him. Blane was hoping he was just seeing things but Tails.exe seemed so real. He raised his aim so the teacher will respond to him.

The teacher answered "Do you have a question Blane?"

"I think there is someone out at the window,"Blane said.

The teacher looked at the window and said "Theres nothing at the window Blane"

Blane looked at the window to see Tails.exe wasn't there anymore. Blane was not feeling alright after that. He felt like someone was watching him. He took a deep breath to calm down and relax. Soon Blane went on his normal day at school. Soon he finished up school today and started to head home. As the bus dropped him off at his place, he started to walk to his house. His house wasn't far from where his school bus stop was, it was only a half a mile away.

As Blane started walking, he felt someone else was walking behind him. But once he stopped walking thinking someone was going to walk by he saw no one walking by him, He turned around to see if someone was behind him. No one was. Blane started to walk again and he heard someone walking behind him again. He began to feel very uncomfortable walking behind him when there's no one even behind him. Or maybe there was someone behind him.

Blane began to walk a bit faster hoping he'll walk away from the person behind him. But once he did that, the person behind his footsteps started to get loud and louder. It was like someone was about to grab him. He was about to start running but something did grab him.

"Gotta Ya!"Someone said behind him.

"Hey let me go!"Blane screamed.

Blane started struggling to break free. He did manage to get himself free and fall to the ground. He turned his head around to see who was behind him. And this time he wasn't seeing things. Knuckles.exe had been behind him the whole time. He was probably going to kill him. Before Knuckles.exe could attack him, Blane quickly started to run all the way home.

	Once he entered his house, he locked the door very tight hoping Knuckles

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Once he entered his house, he locked the door very tight hoping Knuckles.exe wouldnt get him. He sat down by the door to calm himself down. But suddenly something popped up in his mind. He remembers Jacob gave him the curse Sonic game. Maybe Jacob is having the same problem as he had. He knew what he had to do now. Blane got up, walked to his bedroom, pulled out his phone, and called Jacob.

While he was waiting for Jacob to answer him,but his phone went to voicemail. Blane didn't want to wait for Jacob to call him back so he grabbed the Sonic Generations game, and headed to Jacob house. Once he arrives at Jacobs place he notices there was a moving truck there. It seemed like Jacob and his family were leaving. He then saw Jacob dad moving stuff out. He walked up to him.

"Hey Dave, what's up?" Blane asks Jacob's dad.

"Nothing really much. We're just packing up to move to a new town"He responded.

"Oh ok, why are you guys moving?"Blane asked.

"Well right now we're having problems paying the rent here so my wife and I are moving to another place where we can afford rent"He answers.

"Well if you guys are leaving, I want Jacbob to have his back. ''He pulled out his game and handed it to Jacobs dad "I really didn't care for his game. It was all glitchy."

Jacob's dad just froze there like something had happened. He was standing still in silence. He had his head down and he seemed like he was about to cry. Blane feels like he upsetted Jacob dad.

"You alright Dave?"Blane asked

"Kid...I'm not sure if anyone told you this but...Jacob died."Jacob's dad saidly trying not to sound depressed.

"Oh...I'm so sorry. What happened?" Blane asked

"I found him hanging himself in his bedroom. I don't know why Jacob would do his. He seemed so happy...besides he never even left a note telling us why he killed himself. Sometimes I feel like I failed as a father to him. Maybe that's why he hung himself" Dave said as he broke down and cried.

Dave was a great father. He was always good,kind, and loving to his son. He would always spend time with him, even after work. It must have broken his heart to walk into his son's room seeing him dead. Blane felt very sorry for Dave, cause he knew Dave will have to live with the rest of his life that his son died. Though he felt sorry that Jacob was dead, he knew one thing about Jacob's death.

Jacob must have killed himself to escape from Sonic.exe. No wonder why Jacob gave him the game. He was trying to get rid of the horror. Now Blane was suffering Jacobs in some hell hole that Jacob had experienced. Moments later, while Blane was walking back home, he took a look at his game. When he did, he noticed on the game cover Sonic was now in his exe mode. And the game title read "Sonic.EXE Generations' '. So Blane threw the game on to the ground and stepped on it.

He keeps stepping on so the game can break. After moments of stepping the game was finally smashed into pieces. Now no one can play the game and suffer from Sonic.exe's evil raft. As soon as he finishes stepping on the game, he walks home to relax. On entering home, he noticed something on his bed. It was an Sonic.exe plush laying down on his pillows. He never remembers having a Sonic.exe plush. So he grabbed the plushie and placed it somewhere else, away from his bedroom. Then Blane laid down on his bed and soon fell asleep.

Later, around 3AM. Blane would wake up after having his usual nightmare. He walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. While doing that he notices his Sonic.exe plush by in the kitchen. He could have sworn he did not place the plushie there. As Blane was about to pick the plushie he began to hear someone sing some kind of creepy lullaby. The lullaby was making Blane sleep. As Blane tried to stay up, he noticed Amy.exe was right there, singing the lullaby.

"Go to sleep child, by the time you awake, your nightmares will begin"She creepily sang to Blane.

Without any other way out, he was forced to fall to sleep. Amy sinisetly laughs as she grabs him, dragging him off somewhere.

 Amy sinisetly laughs as she grabs him, dragging him off somewhere

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