Chapter twenty one

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Novas POV

Soooo Scarlett had me walking around with her trying to play spot the Scarlett. Basically where's Waldo but spot the Scarlett instead because that makes more sense I think. Anyway we finally found one and Scarlett was telling me about road names and like the number thing and the ay it works because I have no clue and I've rarely driven aorund here. And its not even me that drives but like future I should know what street I'm stood on but I still have no clue so no point.

After Scarlett was ' done' she and I went on our own way to some shops because I needed more clothes and well I found a lot but I hadn't had Scarlett looked at by any fans so I guess the hat has secret powers? I don't know I'm just trying to keep up with this very fast walker. What is she in a race? why she going so fast down the street? " what is this and why are you trying to make me break a sweat" and she smiled " because we are going to the art museum " she and pinging and I sighed " okayyyy" i said she looked so excited so why would I tell her that this may Put me to sleep if she lets me sit down. She's
Taking me to the art which I can't tell what any of this is just like which o could do and get loads of money I guess because how cute would it be to make my own things.

I did stand there and kinda watch Scarlett look at paintings they were scribbles and like paint splotches. I really don't know why it's art maybe it's me and I'm just not appreciating it. It's not even anything but a mess like it's so confusing. " are you not enjoying this" she whispered and I knew if I lie she will not be happy so I told the truth " it makes no sense how someone pays $24,000 for someone spilling paint" and she laughed really loud which made people look at us. " crap" she mumbled ans I state for laugh " miss you are making to much noise we're going to have to ask you both to leave" and I looked at Scarlett she was nodding  and took me out but once we left the serious look faded and she cracked up laughing " I've never been kicked out before" and I sighed " I wish I could say the same" and she went wide eyed " no no you don't drop that bomb and just shut up tell me" she whined mad so laughed in response " take me to a place I can get clothes" and she nodded " I will if you tell me" and I sighed great she's not gonna let me go. I mean it's not like I did anythjg like serious was it? " well it was when I went to a school trip and the boys were talking over the guide  at the wildlife park and I got yelled at but I really didn't speak so I ofcourse being me talked back to defend myself and well I didn't stop and then they had to escort me out for making a scene and disturbing the other guest schools" and I saw her smile widen " I don't think you should be condoning this behaviour Scarlett" I said and she shook her head " no no I can because how funny. And also you stuck up for yourself because they wrongly accused you" and I nodded okay when she says it like that I know I've not really done anything bad but I also did soooo.

We walked into a shop and I smiled there was so much too look at and we'll I need clothes soooo let's do this. Scarlett grabbed a basket and I just put things in but the pieces were high but with what I got it was gonna be along.
We got to yeh till and she scanned the things and I knew as the Price went higher I was going to
Be skint. But then as I went to pay Scarlett tapped her card. I turned to look at her and she smiled " Scarlett" I said and she nodded " yes?" And I really had no clue what to say at all " why did you pay?" And she picked the bags up and walked out while I followed " because I can. It's our day out and I'm treating you" and I shook my head but she stopped and looked at me " no arguments okay? I bought the clothes because I promise you I can. And anyway I asked you to
Spend the day with me so it's my treat whatever you want" and she nodded while I smiled okay tahts sweet. But she can't say that to me because this employee relationship is just getting out of hand at this point like really.

Scarlett took ten bags to the car jut as she did that a lot of people came around me " and who are you?" One asked they had cameras and they were a Mix of women and men omg the paps. Why are they with me. The celeb left so who am I?

They took pictures of me and All I could see was white like the flash blinded me I had no clue what to do except not tell why one and just get through it. But someone took my hand it was soft and felt familiar so I let it drag me and  I heard less yelling I looked to see a worried Scarlett cupping my face now "
Are you okay? did you get hurt?"" She asked frantically and I shook my head why is she worried I mean I'm fine ish. Not really but she's freaking so I better be okay. " Scarlett I'm okay"
I said and she spoke " I left you for two minutes and they ambush you! What the fuck" she growled and I knew she was mad at the people
Not me because she's really
Mad and I can't explain how pissed she is.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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