Its not a she

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Eddie's POV:
Richie got up quickly and snatched the notebook out of my hands

Eddie: "what the fuck?"

Richie: "You cant read that! Why are you going through my bag?"

Eddie: "because I was looking for your homework that your SUPPOSED to be doing! What did it say anyway?"

Richie: "None of your business!"

Eddie: "It cant be that bad! Lemme see!"

Richie: "No!"

Eddie: "What is it a love letter?"

Richie was quiet. Did he actually have a crush? If so who? He doesn't really talk to anyone?

Eddie: "Wait do you actually like someone?"

Richie: "So? If I did it's none of your business!"

Eddie: "Who?!"

Richie: "I have to do my homework!"

Eddie: "oh okay so now you wanna do it?"

Richie: "yes!"

Eddie: "C'mon! Who is she?"

Richie was silent. It was pure silence.

Richie: "what if it wasn't a she Eddie?"

Eddie: "Well uh..that wouldn't really make sense"

Richie: "Why? Because then the rumors would be true? Then your best friend would be the gay of the town!"

Eddie: "Richie no I-"

Richie: "What if I am gay?! Okay what if I am nothing but a faggot! What if Richie Toizer is a fag!"

Silence filled the room. I could see tears about to fall from Richie's eyes. He ran out his front door crying and his mom ran upstairs asking what happened.

Richies mom: "What happened?! Why was Richie crying?!"

Eddie: "I..uh..I don't..know."

I got up and ran out the front door to look for him. So many thoughts were racing through my mind I was so confused and had so many questions. Was Richie actually gay?

This one's kinda short lol but slay ig

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