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Eddie's POV:
I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I thought about the kissing bridge. I ran over to see him sitting there looking like he's trying not to cry but is failing horribly.

Eddie: "uh Richie?"

He looked up then quickly looked away when he saw it was me. I went over to him and sat beside him.

Eddie: "a-are you gay Richie? Don't lie."

Richie just stayed silent with tears running down his face like crazy. I'm not good with comforting people so I had no idea what to do.

Eddie: "Rich?"

Richie: "What Eddie."

It felt weird for him to call me Eddie considering he never does. I grabbed his face with one hand then held his hand with another. I was trying to comfort him but had no idea what to say.

Eddie: "I uh...I don't really know what to say..but if you are gay Rich then I'm sorry for how I was sometimes. I don't understand it but that doesn't mean I can't accept you"

Richie's POV:
I don't know what I expected from Eddie. A part of me wanted him to be gay too but even if he was and we both liked each other I'd never wanna put him through the bullies. His hands were still holding me one being on my face and the other one holding my hand. I hugged him tight crying and he hugged me.

Richie: "I'm sorry"

Eddie: "you don't have any reason to be. I do have a question though, who was the note for? I didn't get to read all of it."

Richie: "No one Ed's.."

Again sorry it's rlly short lol

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