Jealous!Monkie King x Fem!Reader

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RebecaWaisprot  requested this!!

Sorry everyone for not updating this too much, I caught covid and I'm finally better so here we go lmaoo,


I'm a pretty childish and affectionate person towards the Monkie King. I always have been, I felt so comfortable being the way I am around him. He never shamed me for it, or pulled away when I was affectionate. The Monkie King was the only guy I really hung around. Sometimes though, I did get pretty bored. I only hung around the Flower Fruit Mountain with THE MONKIE KING-.

There's this one guy though, who Monkie King is training at the moment. I think their name is MK? Well, you know. Me being the curious lil person I am, I walked over to the Monkie King and MK while Monkie King was training MK. "Y/N, not now. I'm being a ✨ Mentor ✨." Monkie King said, smiling. I giggled. "I just wanted to see who this sack of sunshine was." I said, smiling. I saw Monkie King's face change from a smile to a weird jealous face, or just a confused face. I walked over to MK. "Hello!! I'm Y/N!!" I said, shaking MK's hand violently. MK smiled awkwardly with sweat dripping down his face as if he was nervous. "H-hello!! I'm MK, but I used to go by-" He was cut off by Monkie King. "Alright so why don't we stop your training a bit early today MK?" Monkie King said. "O-oh, okay!! Bye Y/N, bye Monkie King!" MK said, and flew off with the staff. I looked at Monkie King. "Aye, what was that about?" I asked.
"Nothing, peaches. Don't worry about it." He said with a stern tone. I walked over to him while he took a bite of a peach. I crawled ontop of him and stared at him in the eyes. "You sureee~?" I asked. I saw his face get a bit pink as he nodded. "Okay then." I said, crawling off him. His little cloud looked so comfy. "Hey, Wukong?" I said. "Mm? What's up peaches?" He replied. "I'm gonna go, I'll see you later, ok?" I said. He nodded slowly.
And with that, I set off.
I figured i'd go to find MK since I wanted to get to know him and his friends more. As I walked around the city, I saw an amazing looking ramen place called 'Pigsy's Noodles'. I walked inside and to my surprise, I saw MK and what I believe is his boss, and two of his friends I suppose. I waved at MK as he waved back. "Oh, hey Y/N!!" He said. I smiled and walked over. "Oh!! Y/N, these are my friends. Tang, Mei, and Pigsy! And, guys this is Y/N!" MK exclaimed. I simply smiled again and waved at them all. Mei pulled out her phone and took a picture of her and I together. "We are so gonna be besties, Y/N!!" She exclaimed. I giggled.

Monkie King POV:
I was suspicious that Y/N decided to leave so early today, and I know it's not the best thing I could've done but I decided to follow her in my butterfly form, it was the least suspicious and unnoticeable. Jeez.. What am I even doing..? Why am I even jealous?! I sat on the windowsill of Pigsy's Noodles to at least see if Y/N was there. I was right, of course. Am I not interesting anymore? Is she finding more interest in MK and his friends? My heart hurt a bit. "GRAHH!!" I yelled, but it was a high pitched screech since I was still a butterfly. I decided to just go back to Flower Fruit Mountain.

I turned towards the windowsill as everyone else did but nothing was there, I could've sworn I heard a screech of some kind. I shrugged as I asked for some ramen, I loved ramen, especially [favorite ramen kind].
A few hours passed, and I decided to go home. I waved goodbye to my new friends and headed home. I skipped along the sidewalk and hummed my favorite song. As I finally arrived home, I opened the door and saw Monkie King sitting on my couch. "Oh, hey Wukong, what's up?" I asked. He stayed silent as he got up and walked towards me. I looked at him with a confused face. He pinned me to a corner of a wall and put his hand below my chin pushing my face to look at his. "I missed you, peaches." He said putting his forehead against mine. I blushed but pushed him away a bit. "Me too, I guess?? What's wrong..? You never act like this." I said looking at him in the eyes. He blushed and scratched his head. "Well- I- Uhm." He was stuttering quite a bit which left me more confused. "I've never seen Sun Wukong stutter this much before." I said, giggling. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired." I said, walking to my room and shutting my door. The Monkie King left as soon as I shut the door. Well that was awkward..

—The next morning—
I got ready for the day and head to Pigsy's Noodles to meet up with everyone. I finally got there and sat down next to Tang and Mei. We all just chit chat for a while and eventually Mei and MK pulled me to the side to talk to me about something serious.
"Hey, Y/N. You know I have this slight feeling Monkie King is jealous you haven't been paying much attention to him. I think he might like ya or something." MK said. "Soooo.. MK and I came up with the idea to do a little prank on the Monkie King." Mei said. I tilted my head. "Okay okay, so like. You're suuuper affectionate with him right? Maybe you and MK could pretend you have that similar relationship already and do it infront of the Monkie King, but then once Monkie King has had enough we can call the prank off." Mei explained. This actually wasn't a bad idea. I think it would be fun. I thought to myself. "Alright, let's do it." I said.
"Alright, see you guys later!!" Mei said. I felt MK wrap his arm around my waist and pull the staff out. I blushed a tad bit as we arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain. I felt MK's arm slide away from my waist which made me blush more. Monkie King was laying on his cloud eating peach chips, which I kind of saw coming.
"Hey Monkie King!!" MK and I yelled. As I expected, Monkie King's face already had jealousy written all over it. I felt a small breeze behind me and before I knew it I was inside the small house Monkie King had. I was pinned against a wall again. "Listen, peaches. I know what you're about to do. I don't recommend it." Monkie King said, gently licking his lips while staring at mine. I blushed heavily and booped his nose. He gently kissed my lips as I kissed him back. "Sorry for getting so jealous lately, peaches. I miss you being so affectionate and playful with me." Monkie King said. I smiled. "Its alright, Wukong." I said, kissing his cheek.
I heard MK yell for Monkie King and I cluelessly and all Monkie King and I could do is chuckle at it. Silly MK.

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