Chapter 5

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Sea of Passion #SEASON3
Chapter 5
By OJ Snow
Please like before reading
(At Harrison's House)

Harrison: I asked you a question! Who were you talking to? 

Elena: I was talking to myself

Harrison: You're lying

Elena: No I'm not.

Harrison: Liar. I ask again, Who were you talking to?

Elena: For goodness sake Harry, No one. You have trust issues.

Harrison: Oh Really?

Elena: Yea. Besides who else would I be talking to? You're not always home, Your mom is always busy and Felicia h@tes me.

Harrison: I'm not buying that

(Harrison searches her room)

Elena: What the.... Harrison! What're you doing

(Harrison finds the phone and searches the call log)

Harrison: (angrily) Who did you just call?! Whose number is this?!

Elena: Look I kept on recollecting that number and I had to find out who owns the number.

Harrison: And who was that person?

Elena: I don't know who he was. But he knew my name

Harrison: I don't want to ever see you in this house, with any phone again!

(Harrison storms out of her room)

Elena: What do I do now? I don't love Harrison at all, I don't even consider him as my boyfriend. If only I knew where to go, I just wish I could remember my past so I can leave this house for good!

(At Vincent's mansion)

Vincent: "Dear diary, Vincent and I are now back together and more importantly, he just proposed to me. I'm so happy. And I also packed into his house since we're already engaged. Its like my whole life changed so fast.

(His mom knock on his door and opens it)

Vincent: Hey mom

Vincent mother: Hey, um. Did Mia tell you she's coming today?

Vincent: No she didn't.. Why?

Vincent mother: Well she's around and wants to see you.

Vincent: Ok, let her in here

Vincent mother: I'll do just that. But be careful, don't do anything funny with her in here, Elena's still alive and well.

Vincent: (laughs) Mom!

(Vincent mother allows Mia into his room)

Mia: How're you feeling?

Vincent: I'm fine. You?

Mia: Same. What're you reading? A story book?

Vincent: No. Its a diary. It belongs to someone special

Mia: That's nice. For the person to allow you read his/her diary,  That means you must be special to that person too.

Vincent: (smiles) Yeah

Mia: Are you gonna be busy later today?

Vincent: No. Why?

Mia: I wanted to take you out on a date.

Vincent: (laughs) A date?

Mia: Yeah.

Vincent: Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, Like the guy asking the lady out for a date?

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