Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
By OJ Snow
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(Next Morning)
(The nurse informs Dr Larabee, Elena & Vincent about the issue)

Dr Larabee: How did she leave the hospital?

Nurse: She ran out when the police came looking for her.

Elena: This is bad. Who knows where she could have wandered off to?

Vincent: (sighs) Hmph...

(Some hours later)

Vincent: So officer, How's the situation of things?

Policeman: We've found her Vincent Manuel, Her body was washed ashore at the sea. Apparently she drowned herself and di€d due to lack of oxygen

Elena: (shocked) Oh my goodness...

Policeman: She's already been taken to the morgue

Vincent: Ok, Thank you officer

Policeman: My pleasure (He leaves)

Elena: (she breathes out deeply) I can't believe this, She didn't even seek redemption before her death. May her soul rest in peace

Vincent: (he hugs her) Amen...

(That evening)
(Elena goes to Harrison's house & meets his mom)

Elena: Mrs Patel?

Harrison mother: Elena! (She hugs her)

Elena: It's wonderful to see you, Ma. When did you arrive in Mexico City?

Harrison's mother: About a week ago my dear... (pauses) Uhh, Elena please I want to talk to you about my son, Harrison. He's deeply sorry for what he did to you, He even came all the way from Metroville to Mexico City to apologize to you but yet you got him arrested, It isn't fair...

Elena: Mrs Patel, I wasn't the one who arrested him... Vincent Manuel did

Harrison mother: But you're his victim and its not too late for you to drop the charges please. Whatever he did to you was just out of his immense love for you, Please drop the charges, He's the only one I have in this world, I know you're kind hearted...

Elena: Okay Mrs Patel, Fine. I'll drop the charges

Harrison mother: (she sighs in relief) Ohh,  Thank you so much... (she hugs her) God will bless you abundantly!

Elena: Amen ma...

(At Mr Gilbert's House)
(In the lounge)

Elena: So Dad, I and Vincent have already decided our wedding will hold in Seattle.

Mr Gilbert: Wonderful! Have you both picked the church and reception? 

Elena: Of course we have. Vincent picked it though.

Mr Gilbert: I'm happy for you d@rling

Elena: Thanks Dad (she hugs him)

Mr Gilbert: So when is the date?

Elena: In about three months, Although we haven't picked the exact date yet

Mr Gilbert: Okay, This means we'll have to travel back to Seattle for the preparations.

Elena: Yeah, Vincent booked our flight yesterday.

Mr Gilbert: Wow, So soon?

Elena: (smiling) Yup.

(Harrison is released from prison)

Harrison: Thank you so much Elena, I...

Elena: (she cuts him) Don't thank me! It's your mother you should be thanking

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