Chapter 13

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Sea of Passion #SEASON3
Chapter 13
By OJ Snow
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(At Mr Gilbert's mansion)
(Elena rushes downstairs to check on a half-conscious Cassandra)

Cassandra: (gasping for air) I... can't... breathe... (She passes out)

Elena: Uh no...

(Elena enters back into the house & calls the ambulance. Mr Gilbert, Caitlin, Orora and Ted return just then)

Mr Gilbert: (puzzled) Elena, What happened here?

Elena: It was Cassandra, she came here to attack me and we got into a huge fight and I accidentally threw her off the roof

Caitlin: (shocked) Oh my goodness, Thank God she didn't harm you

Mr Gilbert: Have you called the ambulance?

Elena: Yes, It's on its way

(The ambulance arrives in no time & takes Cassandra to the hospital)

(At The Central Hospital)

Vincent: Doctor, How is she?

Dr Larabee: I don't think she will ever be okay, Vincent Manuel... She's suffering from paralysis and there's something worse

Vincent: What is it?

Dr Larabee: She has a deadly Brain Tumor, And has just few weeks to live.

Elena: Is she awake?

Dr Larabee: Yes, But you can't see her now.

Elena: Ohhh...

(At Mr Gilbert's house)

Mr Gilbert: So how did it go? What did the doctor say about her?

Elena: Cassandra has Brain Tumor and has just few weeks to live

Ted: Did you see her?

Elena: No, I didn't.

Orora: (scoffs) You were even kind to call the ambulance for her, If it were me... I would have left her to d!e! I h@te what I don't like! (hisses)

Elena: (smiles) And risk going to jail for murder? No please

Orora: You have a point.

Mr Gilbert: More bad news

Elena: What?

Mr Gilbert: My brother Leon, was sentenced to 21 years imprisonment but instead of serving his jail term, He strangled himself with a barbed wire.

Orora: (she gasps in shock) Ohhhh...

(Later on)
(In Orora's room, Elena talks with her)

Elena: Orora, I'm so sorry about this...

Orora: (sobbing) Now I'm an orphan. It doesn't matter anyway, Ever since my mom died, I became lonely and I had to adopt my dad lifestyle to get over depression, I always felt like my dad never truly loved me, He always used me and Helen to get him more business deals from the rich men who lived in Seattle with us. After that, we didn't matter to him but yet he was never satisfied, He always wanted more, Now look where it has gotten him....

Elena: (patting her back) Don't overthink it, it'll make you feel sad the more

Orora: I can't even imagine what would have happened if I hadn't changed my ways, I would have ended up in prison or I would have even been dead by now.

Elena: But you did change your ways. Try to stop thinking about this okay?

(Elena hugs Orora as she continues sobbing)

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