Chapter 12

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Sea of Passion #SEASON3
Chapter 12
By OJ Snow
Please like before reading
(Outside the library)

Cassandra: (running after Orora & Rosita) Bring back my things you delinquents!

Orora: Come and get it, they're right here!

Rosita: (giggles)

Orora: Are you afraid to chase us? So that people won't see you for the m@d woman that you truly are? (she laughs)

Cassandra: (enraged) Oh God!

(Just then, Two tall huge muscular thugs passes by and Cassandra calls their attention)

Cassandra: Hey! Please come! (she removes her diamond ring) Please take this ring, it's worth $200, You can sell it, Just help me get my things back from those girls and beat them up mercilessly!  (she points at Orora & Rosita)

Thug 1: Okay (he collects the ring)

Orora: Sir, You wouldn't wanna hurt us, Would you? We're just innocent people

Rosita: Orora! Do you really think they'll pick us over $200? Let's get out of here!

Cassandra: Go after them!

(Orora & Rosita run away as they're being chased by the thugs)

(Back In the library, Vincent returns from the restroom)

Vincent: You're still here...

Elena: Of course, I couldn't leave without having your autograph on my book.

Vincent: (he signs his autograph on her book) Done.

Elena: Thank you very much!

Vincent: I've gotten your abductor arrested yesterday

Elena: Harry?

Vincent: Yeah, he's tribunal is in three weeks time

Elena: Honestly, I was thinking of giving him a second chance

Vincent: Well it's too late for that now, And I assume you've forgiven me for kissing Mia?

Elena: (smiles) In a way

Vincent: (he holds her waist) I want you to move back in with me, Permanently

Elena: Don't be in a rush, That'll happen soon... when we get married (she laughs)

Vincent: (smiles) I love you Elena

Elena: I love you more...

(Vincent & Elena both kiss each other passionately. Just then, Cassandra angrily  storms back into the library then pushes Elena away from Vincent)

Cassandra: (enraged) You fisherwoman!  I've had enough of you, Stay away from Vincent!

Vincent: (he furiously grabs Cassandra with brute force & holds her arm tightly) CASSANDRA!

Cassandra: Owww, Vincent you're hurting my arm

Vincent: (enraged) I haven't even started with you! I know why all these rubbish is happening and it's because I let you live with me... Well all that changes today!

Cassandra: (shocked) You're throwing me out of your house?

Vincent: Yes! I'm fed up with you! When you get back, Be prepared to see your belongings at the front door!

Cassandra: (she starts crying) But Vincent, I have nowhere to go, I can't be out in the streets, Do you want me to d!e? Have you forgotten what the doctor said?!  He said I might d!e if I'm under stress!

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