Chapter 10

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Same day, evening

Everyone started coming back home after finishing the day's work. First it was Anjali. She had come back few hours before and was sitting with Nani chatting about her experiences throughout the day. How her interviews went, about the people she met, the law firms she visited, etc.

Next came NK who went out to meet some friends of him. He freshened up and joined Anjali and Nani and started listening to Anjali. Then came Akash and Payal after finishing their visit to college, lunch and some shopping and long drive outside.

They too joined the three in their conversation. Soon they were joined by Mama and Mami, who too came back after visiting a relative in the next city. Few minutes later, Karan and Khushi entered chatting and laughing. They too joined the group.

Finally entered our hero, Arnav with a tired face. He had so much work at office today. First because of Akash's absence, he had to complete his share of work too, then the meeting with HR department and finally meeting with some detectives to find more about Sheetal. On top of that back to back meetings with clients and regarding their upcoming fashion show. It was a hectic day for him.

He entered the house and saw his family sitting and enjoying their evening snacks and beverages. He settled beside Khushi and asked HP for his black coffee, who brought it immediately.

"How did your interview go, Di?" Arnav asked with a soft smile.

"That was what I was telling, Chote. The interview went good. At the first two places, it wasn't so good. They were looking for young recruits or they wanted someone with experience. Obviously, I don't have any experience. So that part was out of question. And I am not a freshly graduated lawyer, plus my limb, they weren't much interested in recruiting someone who can't run around at their back and call." Anjali said shrugging.

"What the. How dare they? I am going to sue them." Arnav said furiously.

"Calm down, Chote. You can't sue them. First of all, they didn't come to me offering a job. I went to them. Moreover, it's not their fault. They are not obliged to give me a job if they feel that I can't meet their expectations. It's not their fault. Come on, let's be practical. Will you hire someone if you feel the person couldn't do the job you expect them to do.

"No, right. It's completely OK if they don't want to hire me. I am not a charity case that they should show sympathy and hire me. If they feel that I am incompetent and can't do their job, then it's OK. It's their call. Everyone only wishes to hire the best to do their work. Nobody hires for the sake of pity and I don't want that also. So stop getting riled up.

"Anyways, I didn't tell the good news till now. My third interview went really awesome and I am hired. The firm is good with experienced lawyers. The pay is also good. I will get to learn a lot and will get to assist some good lawyers." Anjali said happily.

"Wow, Di. Congratulations." Khushi said happily.

"Thank you Khush." Anjali said giving a warm smile to her.

"Congratulations, Anjali. And all the best." Karan too congratulated her smiling.

"Thank you." Anjali said with a smile.

"Congrats, Di." Arnav too gave a small smile seeing her happy.

"Thanks, Chote." Anjali gave a big smile.

"Di, I think we should celebrate this. We should party." NK said chirpy.

"You only need a reason to party." Arnav said shaking his head.

"Don't be a spoil sport, Arnavji. Di, Nanheji is right. You should give us a party." Khushi too said supporting NK.

"Yeah, Di. We should definitely celebrate." Akash too said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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