Chapter 2

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By evening Karan came with luggage. Khushi and Raizadas except Arnav of course, welcomed him warmly. He was settled in one of the guest rooms. After freshening up, Karan and Khushi started spending time with each other.

Both of them were busy catching up. They spend time with family during evening tea and dinner. Other time, they either spend with each other or busy at work (Khushi in household works and Karan in his business works). After dinner also, they started chatting. Arnav who was waiting to talk with Khushi, didn't get any chance.

By 12 o' clock, Khushi came back to room for sleeping. Entering inside, she saw Arnav pacing the room. She ignored him and went to closet to take out her night clothes. Arnav saw her and went to her to talk. But before he could say something, she disappeared into the bathroom.

Few minutes later, she came out. She then started making bed to sleep. Arnav came to her and asked impatiently, "Where were you, Khushi? Do you know from how long I was waiting to talk to you?"

"Oh. Actually I was catching up with BB. You know we are meeting after nearly 10 months, So had lot to talk. So were just spending time with each other. But why you were waiting for me. I thought you would be spending time with Sheetal and Arav. You also have a lot to catch up with her, no. Also Arav always wants to play with you. So I thought you would be playing chess with him." Khushi said shrugging carelessly.

Arnav looked at her shocked for a moment and then said, "There is nothing like that, Khushi. Anyways Leave that. Actually I wanted to talk with you something important. Actually I..."

Cutting him, Khushi said, "Actually Arnavji, now I am really tired. So if you don't mind, can we have this talk later on. I really feel sleepy."

"But Khushi...." Arnav tried to say something.

"Please." Khushi pleaded.

Arnav looked at her tired face and sighed. She really looked exhausted. Even her health was not good. Maybe she really need to get some sleep. He nodded unwillingly.

Khushi gave a small smile to him and laid on the bed covering herself with the blanket. Soon she was fast asleep. Arnav looked at her and came to the opposite side of bed. Switching off the lights, he too laid down. But sleep was faraway from him.

He looked back and saw Khushi sleeping with her back towards him. He couldn't tolerate the distance. He gently held her and pulled her in his arms. She didn't resisted and soon snuggled to him like a baby. Arnav held her tightly in his arms and soon fell asleep feeling her near him.


Next day morning

Khushi was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. HP was on leave and Payal was doing some work Mami assigned. After his jogging, Karan came back, and freshened up. He then went in search of Khushi. Seeing her in kitchen busy in work, he frowned.

He went inside kitchen and asked her, "Baby Khush, what are you doing?"

Khushi looked at him frowning and said, "BB, Go and do your eye check up. I think your eyes are getting weak. Can't you see I am cooking."

Karan twisted his mouth and said, "I can see you are cooking. But why are you doing all this and that too alone?"

"BB, don't irritate me in the morning itself. Today HP is on leave and Jiji has not come yet. Only I am there and I have lot of work to do. In sometime, everyone will come down for breakfast and I have to finish all these work before that." Khushi said working like a maniac.

She has lot of work to finish before everyone comes down. She has to prepare everyone's breakfast, set the table, serve the food, etc. And on top of that she is not feeling well. She had vomited two times. She just wants to lie down somewhere and sleep.

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