Chapter 3

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Same day, evening

Arnav came inside Shantivan after a hectic day at work. Behind him, Akash, Sheetal and Arav also came. Sheetal was exhausted to bones. She was assigned back to back work for the day. On top of that it was a non pay day for her as she reached office ten minutes late than Arnav's stipulated time. Now she had no energy to do anything. She just wanted to eat something and sleep.

Entering inside, Arnav saw his family sitting in the living room ready to have their evening tea and snacks. Payal, Anjali and Mami were missing. Khushi was sitting on one of the three seaters. She had a sulking face. He went and sat beside  her.

"How are you feeling now?" Arnav asked smiling at her.

Khushi glared at him and said a curt "Fine." Arnav was taken aback by her anger. Now why is she angry. He thought confused. Poor guy doesn't know that it's because of his junior she is having mood swings.

Few minutes passed with all listening to NK who was cracking some silly jokes of his. Then once again the main door opened and Karan came inside. Seeing him all fell silent for a moment. They didn't know how to react. Would he be still angry for the morning incident. All thought.

Coming to the living room, he greeted everyone with a smile, "Good evening everyone." He said cheerfully.

All visibly relaxed seeing him smile. Nani, NK and Akash wished him back.

"Good evening Baby Khush." Karan greeted her happily. He gently kissed her crown and sat beside her. Khushi immediately snuggled to him. Arnav shot daggers at him. Why this man always cling to his Khushi. Can't he sit somewhere else. He thought frowning.

Karan frowned seeing Khushi's grumpy face. "What happened, Khush? Are you alright? How was your day?" Karan asked concerned.

"I am alright but my day went very bad." Khushi said grumpily.

"Why? What happened?" Well this was asked by Arnav. Before Karan could ask anything, Arnav jumped in middle and asked Khushi. Karan also looked at her curiously waiting for her answer.

"It's all because of you Laad Governor. Why did you say everyone that I am ill. Because of that nobody allowed me to do any work. From morning, all I am doing is lie down on bed. I am tired of lying down. And on top of that Di and Jiji are not allowing me to eat my Jalebi or any sweets. And I had to drink that bitter Kada and in lunch I was given that favourite Karela of yours. Can you believe that I had to eat Karela and those tasteless bland food and not even one Jalebi was given even for compensation. And it's all because of you." Khushi said angrily glaring at Arnav.

Arnav and Karan visibly relaxed hearing that. Then rolled their eyes, she was grumpy for not allowing to do work and making her eat healthy food. In the morning, she was ready to collapse due to over working. And now she is fighting for not allowing her to work.

Both didn't said anything and simply sat there nonchalantly when Khushi continued to mutter curses under her breath for both of them.

Few minutes later, Payal, Anjali and Mami walked out of the kitchen with tea, coffee and snacks. Mami was slightly scared seeing Karan. They came and served beverages and snacks for everyone.

Arav took the plate of Samosa, ate one and then started shouting at Khushi, "Yuck. What's this? Why do you cook if you don't know cooking? See how much oily you have made it. And there is no taste. It's so bad. First of all you only make all these unhealthy food and that too so tasteless."

All gaped at the boy shocked. What nonsense is he saying. Why is he shouting at Khushi. Khushi mentally smirked at him. Now this was what she wanted. Teach this boy a lesson. Show everyone what a brat he is. She thanked Devi Mayya for this awesome opportunity.

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