Chapter 6

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Next day morning

The whole Raizada family sat in the dining room to have breakfast. Today the breakfast was made by Prakash brothers as everyone was too tired after being awake till midnight. But for a change, Sheetal woke up early today, as she wanted to finish making breakfast early for Arav and get ready, so that she could reach AR early. She couldn't afford one more day of unpaid work and toiling till late at night.

Moreover she has so much pending work at office assigned by Arnav, which she wanted to complete to get in Arnav's good books again. So with that thought, she had woke up early and was cooking in kitchen. She expected the Raizada ladies to join her soon but nobody came. Only the Prakash brothers were in the kitchen making breakfast.

It made her also feel like servant. But she gulped down the insult, not wanting to ruin her plans by acting impulsive. Already her one wrong move had costed her too much. Now she couldn't afford any more blunders. So gulping down her humiliation, she continued her work.

Soon the entire Raizada clan came for breakfast and sat on their places. Like the previous day, once again Khushi was sitting between Arnav and Karan. And there was no space beside Arnav. Anjali sat beside Karan and started telling everyone about the party.

The Prakash brothers served to everyone and all started having their breakfast without waiting for Sheetal. Even Arav was having paratha for a change without making fuss. The poor boy was fed up of eating bland toast and juice. So when he saw Sheetal missing, he started having paratha happily.

Nobody didn't noticed him as all of them were immersed in Anjali's stories about the party. They all were happily enjoying her laugh and the funny incidents she was narrating. Sometimes Karan and Khushi also shared their version of those childhood incidents. So it was a pleasant morning for everyone.

But unaware of all these, Sheetal came out with toast and juice for Arav and special pancakes for everyone else, hoping to impress everyone with her cooking skills. But nobody paid attention to her or her food. They all were immersed in Anjali's stories and had the food Prakash brothers cooked.

Even Arav ate the parathas and refused to eat when Sheetal served him toast. Sheetal was frustrated seeing all her hardwork going in vain. None took the food, she made. Not even Arnav for whom she made pancakes, knowing his like for pancakes. But he also ate the toast that HP made for him. Finally only Sheetal had to eat the pancakes she made and rest didn't even noticed it.

Anjali continued telling about the party keeping everyone entertained with the funny incidents. After laughing for sometime, they all stopped and concentrated on having food. Arnav was lost in his thoughts. He was observing the changes that came over Anjali in one day and also Karan's words were running in his mind continuously.

He could see how much yesterday's outing has brought a positive change in Anjali. It was evident in her talks and behaviour. She looked happy and vibrant. Her old glow is coming back. She looked positive. He could see her taking things in a good manner. Not sulking or being sad.

He is happy for her this change. But what's next. That's what's running in his mind. What should he do. Karan asked him to let Anjali out and let her see world. But how. That's the question. And moreover what does she wants. He doesn't want to force his decision on her.

No. It will have a negative impact. And he knew even Karan didn't mean that. He asked him to liberate her. But he couldn't understand how to do that. Unless she takes any step forward, how will he support her. He can't push her to do anything.

It will affect her badly. With her current situation he couldn't understand what to do. And he doesn't know who to seek help for. He can't talk to Nani or anyone else from family because he can't understand how they will react. It could go wrong also.

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