Chapter 7b

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Same day, night, after dinner

Everyone in Raizada Mansion were sitting in the living room doing one or other thing after dinner. Nani and Mami were watching their favourite serial on TV, sitting on sofa. Mama was reading a book sitting beside Mami. NK and Arav were playing video game in NK's laptop, sitting on recliner few feet away. Akash and Payal were checking brochures of colleges and filling application forms for Payal's admission.

Anjali was making her resume for her job application. And beside her Arnav was sitting and doing his office work. On the adjacent sofa, Sheetal was sitting trying to show like working to gain Arnav's attention. But miserably failing in her motive as Arnav was either engrossed in his work or time to time looking at Khushi who was with Karan.

Arnav was feeling jealous seeing the cosy way in which Khushi was sitting wrapped in Karan's arms and watching and giggling to something Karan was showing to her in his mobile. Arnav felt like to go and separate both of them and keep Khushi hidden in his arms. But alas. Only if he could do it without making his jealousy obvious. So he was sitting sulking and hoping for his wife to give him attention.

Khushi was very well aware of the murderous glares Arnav was sending to Karan. But she cared less. Let him feel the burn of jealousy. She happily snuggled to Karan excitedly watching the videos Karan was showing her.

After few minutes, Khushi smiled widely and exclaimed, "Wow, BB. This baby is so cute. So sweet. So beautiful. I wish my baby to be like this baby. My cute, chubby and sweet little baby. Hay." Khushi exclaimed happily with a dreamy look.

Hearing her, all looked at her amused. Arnav felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside him thinking about their baby. Oh How amazing it will be. A cute little Khushi.

"You know what BB. I have decided I will name my baby, Kiyara, if it is a girl and Krish, if it is a boy. My baby's name will be starting with K just like your and mine. Karan, Khushi, Kiyara, Krish. It will be awesome, no. All our names will be having same starting letter - K." Khushi said excitely.

Hearing that Arnav's eyes widened. What the. Why his baby's name will start with K. No it will start with A. Like his name. Maybe a combination of his and Khushi's name. But in no way he will allow his baby to be named after that villain.

But before Arnav could say anything, Khushi said something that made him burn hot in jealousy.

"Not only name, I want my baby to be like you in nature also. Sweet, loving, caring and always happy. Not like that brooding Laad Governor. And you will be my baby's Godfather. So that whenever Arnavji is not there, you will be there for him or her as father figure." Khushi said smiling.

OK. Little too big hit on the mountain sized ego of Arnav Singh Raizada. Till name was also somewhat tolerable, but father figure for his baby and that too this villain. Like hell. In no way he is going to allow that. His baby doesn't need a bloody Godfather. He/She has a father dammit. And what's this about when he is unavailable. He will always be available for his baby.

Arnav Singh Raizada was going mad in anger. OK. Khushi, brace yourself. The volcano is all ready to erupt.

And thus it erupted with a loud "What the!!!"
All looked at Arnav in confusion while he was shooting daggers at Khushi.

"What happened, Arnavji?" Khushi asked him with an innocent look.

"What nonsense are you saying, Khushi? Why our baby will be like him. And how can you decide that our baby's name will start with K. No. Our baby's name will start with A, like mine, Di's, Akash's. May be a combination of our names like..... like...yeah Arshi. Our baby's name will be Arshi or Arsh. Not some Kiya miya and all. And what name is this Krish. It doesn't even sound like a complete name. As if someone has made up a name just for the sake of naming." Arnav said making faces.

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