Chapter 9

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Same day, afternoon

Khushi entered inside AR building after greeting the security just like her usual routine. She was here after nearly four days to check on the Dabba service work. From last four days, she was taking rest at home due to her health issues.

Today, she felt better, so decided to visit AR and look after the Dabba service work herself. Though employees and Shuklaji were there to take care of everything, still she wanted to check herself to be sure of the quality and the work. The Dabba service cooking area was behind the main building of AR.

After the food was prepared, Khushi had it packed and now with the help of employees, is transferring them to AR canteen area. Canteen incharge Madhuji was already waiting for the packages to be delivered. While employees carried the packages, Khushi looked around in the office.

It was then she saw the most unexpected scene. Sheetal moping the floor with a washcloth kneeling down. She looked like cleaner, actually worse than that. In no way, she looked like the assistant designer in which post she was appointed. After cleaning floor, Sheetal stood up and started sorting a pile of scattered files lying on a desk.

Khushi was shocked would be an understatement. What the hell is happening. Why is she doing all these odd jobs. And why Arnav is not saying anything. Wasn't she supposed to be his best friend.

She was confused but chose not to confront Sheetal. She walked to the canteen area and saw Manjuji already making preparation for serving lunch. It was almost lunch time. She too joined Manjuji and started helping her.

"Manjuji, do you know why Sheetal was cleaning the floor?" Khushi asked conversationally.

"Now what is there to tell you, Khushi. It's the daily scenario here from last few days. Don't know what that bimbo did to get on ASR's wrong side. From last four days, she is the unofficial maid of this office. From peon's job  to cleaning work, everything is done by her. First, we thought ASR just got angry on her due to some mistake, so he asked her to be peon for sometime. But the way ASR is making her life hell, I have never seen him treating someone so harshly. It looks as if he is punishing her with vengeance.

"From morning to evening 3o' clock, she is unpaid slave of everyone in this office. From 3 to 5, she has to work in designer department finishing her work for the entire day in two hours. Well that's impossible. So everyday, her work load increases more and more from previous day." Manju said shrugging.

"Doesn't anyone say anything regarding this. What about HR team. Aren't they supposed to be taking care of the employee's comforts." Khushi asked wanting to know more information.

"Who cares when ASR himself is punishing her. Anyways, all are enjoying her state. You don't know Khushi, how she used to treat everyone till last week. She behaved as if she owned AR and all others are her slaves. She used to make everyone do her bid. So nobody is actually bothered about what's happening to her." Manju said carelessly.

Khushi frowned hearing that Sheetal used to mistreat the employees. "If Sheetal was so bad with everyone, why nobody complained about her. They could have said to HR department. If not HR, then they could have informed Arnavji, Amanji or Akashji. I am sure they would have taken action." Khushi asked frowning.

She really felt angry hearing that Sheetal used to mistreat employees. AR always had a good reputation for safeguarding the employee's comforts and safety. In spite of professional hierarchy, all employees were always treated equally. Never ever had she heard about any seniors harassing or mistreating juniors.

Apart from her, she had never seen Arnav also mistreating any employees while working here. Well her case was different. She always got on his bad side. Still he never did something that jeopardized her life. If at all anything happened beyond her tolerance, he always came to her rescue and safeguarded her. But all that is different scenario. Sheetal mistreating employees is intolerable.

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