Chapter 5

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After sometime

Anjali came to balcony seeing Karan standing there. Karan was looking at the night sky. Anjali stood beside him and started looking at sky.

"It's so beautiful, no?" Karan asked.

"Hmm." Anjali hummed in response.

"Khush believes that those who dies, they become stars. When her parents died, it was a very difficult phase for all of us. We didn't knew what to do. She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't talk, she wouldn't eat or sleep. All day, she just used to sit at one place and used to look at her parent's photo.

She was slowly falling into depression and none of us knew what to do. We all felt so helpless at that time. Then one day, her Dadu told her that her parents has turned into stars and they will watch over her from sky.

"That day for the first time after her parents death, she cried. She cried for hours and then slept. It was difficult for her but she slowly accepted her parent's death. She still believes that her parents have turned into stars." Karan said still gazing at stars.

"Do you... Do you think it is true?" Anjali asked hesitantly.

"What???" Karan asked confused.

"That people become stars after dying." Anjali asked.

Karan again looked at the stars. "It's not about truth or false, Anjali. It's about beliefs. Khushi believes that her parents have become stars. It helped her to accept reality and move forward. She could let go of her pain and live life.

"Sometimes that's what matters. Just letting go and moving forward. If believing that her parents became stars helped her to accept reality and move ahead in her life and live happily, then what's the harm in believing that. Why does it matter if it's true or false."

"Sometimes, that's what we should do in life. Just let go. Holding onto something we lost or that was never ours will never help us to live life. We just have to let go and move ahead. It doesn't matter how difficult it is. But we have to live life. We can't just live in past and be happy." Karan said lost.

"Sometimes it's not so easy. You might desperately want to erase a part of your life. You will try to do everything in your power to let go but some memories are so strong that it just doesn't leave you. And keeps hanging inside you with its strong tentacles, sucking on your energy, corroding you and make you helpless." Anjali said intensely.

"I know sometimes it's difficult. It might seem impossible too. But you just have to hold onto what you have and move ahead. Just pry off those strong holds and come out of it. Just don't let them corrode you. It will be difficult but try. Try hard. One day it will give away and you will come out of it." Karan said thoughtfully.

"I know Anjali it's difficult for you to let go of your past. You have loved that man beyond limits and when you got betrayal from the same man. It would have shattered you. But Anjali, you have to move forward and live your life. You can't live in past and be happy.

"By living in memories, you won't reach anywhere. Life is too short for it to be wasted on some worthless creatures like that man. Anjali, you can be like this. But what's the use. Nothing will change with you crying over him. Neither he will change nor you will get back what you lost.

On the other hand, you will loose more. For how long you will be like this and cry over that man. 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. After 10 years what. After 10 years when you will look back, all you will see will be a woman who wasted her life on someone who never even valued her.

"And by then you would have lost your everything. Those 10 years won't come back. Those precious moments that you could have lived happily won't come back. All you will be left with will be regrets. Regrets that God gifted you a beautiful life and you wasted it on someone worthless.

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