5: Those Rainy Mall Days

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<<Chapter 5: Those Rainy Mall Days>>

Dedicated to imsweetlikesalt for being my #1 fan <3

"What are you guys doing after school today?" Sloane asks us. She's another one of my close friends, with curly, light brown hair and big brown eyes. She's kind of a clean freak and professional germaphobe, but we all love her for it. There are seven of us--if you count Caroline, that is. (And Serena for that matter... Not sure what her issue is.)

"Nothing." I respond, looking up from my laptop. We're all clumped around the lockers outside as it pours, enjoying the covering above the locker area.

"Yeah, same as Kate," Rachel calls from a few feet over, nodding her head from where she's seated on the floor.

"Nope, not busy," Natalia speaks up, head down and still absorbed in her Tumblr feed on her iPhone.

"What's about Caroline? What's she doing?" Sloane asks. She seems to like Caroline the best out of all of us, or at least that's what I think.

"Finn," I respond with a slight bitterness to my tone as I roll my eyes. Everyone busted out in laughter, enjoying the moment even though that was probably true. All except for Caroline, who was too busy chatting with Finn a few feet away to ever notice.

"So true!! " Natalia shouts mid laugh, pointing at me as she continues to double over in laughter. Even Sloane is chuckling slightly at this one. You see, the question is not what Caroline  is doing, but who.

After a few minutes, though, everyone is calmed down and sitting back on the ground, leaned up against the lockers as the steady beat of rain sounds around us.

"Anyone want to come over to the mall with me Friday?" Sloane asks, "We can even go to that Starbucks in the mall and stuff," Sloane says, winking at me.

I might, just maybe... have a huge obsession with Starbucks. But hey, what's not to like about convenient, delicious coffee and pastries accompanied by nice baristas to go along with them? That's right--nothing is better. And if you say otherwise, you die. *cue evil cackle*

"Sure, I'm in." I say. Rachel nods her head as well in agreement.

"I can't guys, sorry..." Natalia says. "My mom is going furniture shopping and wants me to come along," she continues in annoyance.

"Aww, that sucks," I pout.

"My mom is so terrible and she'd never let me go and I CAN'T DO THIS!!" Serena runs dramatically towards the girl's bathroom, causing the rest of us to look at each other in confusion. I honestly think that this girl is just using her mom as an excuse for when she doesn't want to go places or do things with us. I've met her mom on various occasions, and she's an extremely nice and reasonable person. Is Serena shitting me right now? Her mom would most certainly let her go. I guess Serena must be uncomfortable with walking around the mall alone... I mean, grow up, hon. We're 16 years old. (Well, technically speaking, she's the youngest of the pack and won't be turning 16 for another 2 months... But still, she needs to grow the fuck up).

"Well I guess it's just the three of us, then?" I gesture at Sloane, Rachel, and myself, and they nod in agreement.

"Sounds good to me!" Sloane grins wide. "I'm going to go see what's up with Serena..." She adds quietly before getting up and slowly making her way towards the bathroom.

"What sounds good to you?" Caroline asks with a confused look as she walks towards us.

"We were thinking about heading to the mall after school later... Wanna come?" Sloane turns around quickly and asks her, and I groan softly in annoyance. Caroline gives me a strange look before seemingly shrugging it off and continuing on.

"Absolutely!!" She squeals in excitement. Her pale blonde hair is pulled up in a high ponytail and a pink, sparkly headband sits in her hair. Oh dear, this is going to be one hell of a trip to the mall.

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It's a few hours later, and the four of us have piled into my car. Of all of us, I always seem the most eager to drive, so I'm usually the chauffeur. Hey, driving is so much fun!

The never-ending rain beats against the windshield as we make our way towards the mall, Panic! At the Disco blasting through the speakers the whole ride there as we sing along.

When we arrive, we make a beeline to the Starbucks, ordering and sitting down at a small table. It's next to the elevator shaft, which is clear, so we can see the people going up and down the elevator.

After chatting for a few minutes, Sloan nudges me and points towards the elevator next to us. It's coming down slowly, and all I see at the moment is the bottom, where two boys our age are sitting with lipstick smudged all over their faces. Well, that must be an interesting story.

The two boys wiggle their eyebrows and wink at us, and we all scoff in disgust as the elevator continues to descend. There's another guy standing in the back, but his face isn't smudged with lipstick. Hm, the classy one of the bunch, I guess.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look at him for a moment before he starts jumping up and down and pointing at us in recognition.

"Oh my god, is that Brandon?!" I nearly scream, my hand shooting to cover my mouth in shock. Damn, puberty has done that kid well. Of course, I currently look like I've tried every drug in the world, with bags under my eyes from exhaustion and my hair thrown up in a sloppy bun.

"OH MY GOD!!" Sloane screeches, waving at him. "I think he used to have a crush on me..." She calms down quickly, smiling lightly and tucking a strand of her honey brown hair behind her ear.

"Holy shit..." I say, still in shock after the elevator has gone past us. Brandon used to go to our school when we were younger, but left after 7th grade.

"Holy shit indeed-that kid cleans up well! Damn..." Rachel agrees with me. He used to have a buzzcut and always looked like a typical, dirty child. Not dirty like sexual, for you people who think that way, but dirty as in actual dirt. He was a sporty and popular kid, with braces and all--but he was one of the only nice popular males at our school at the time.

"No cursing!" Caroline screeches in a eardrum-breaking, high-pitched voice. I simply roll my eyes. Grow the fuck up, you're 16 years old. If you don't want to curse, at least shut your damn mouth and don't judge other people for doing so. That's what Sloane typically does--she never swears, but is totally cool if others do it. Honey, if you want to be my friend, you're going to have to suck it up and deal with my sailor-like mouth and tendencies, because I'm not changing for anyone.

"Oh, Kate, look!" Sloane nudges me, gesturing towards the clear glass of the elevator shaft in front of us. Sure enough, the 3 boys were on their way back up.

"Did you miss me?" Brandon mouths as the elevator continues to rise, gesturing towards himself and smirking.

"What even is life right now..." I say to myself like the typical teenager that I am. Honestly though, what are the chances that we happen to see Brandon here? And a fucking hot, brace-less Brandon at that? And not even actually talk to him, but see him going down an elevator whilst we're drinking Starbucks?

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A/N: Hi! How'd you like the chapter? Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it ;) ;)

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