13: Flying Cereal and All-Nighters

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<<Chapter 13: Flying Cereal and All-Nighters>>

Please check out my new book, The War, and let me know what you think! <3

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The pizza finally arrived, and we're all seated around the dining room table, munching away and chatting whilst Serena furiously texts away on her phone. Figures.

"Are you guys excited for ethics next week?" I ask, referring to the ethics course that we've all signed up to take in advance over the summer. It's a two-week class starting next week.

"Ugh. Don't remind me." Serena looks up from her phone (probably her 'barn squad' chat) momentarily, grunting in annoyance.

"Yes, I can't wait! I just hope there's a new guy who's cute," Natalia wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, completely ignoring Serena's pessimistic comment.

"Same here," I smirk, in total agreement with Natalia. Most of the guys currently at are school are total douchebags. Particularly Morris Gross.

I bet a bunch of y'all are wondering why I have a particular hatred for that greasy sack of potatoes, so I'll tell you.

It was just after 8th grade, and I was a timid, naive child. Morris is a cheesy asshole, and one way or another, we ended up "dating" for 3 days. Or was it two? Who knows, but I really don't think that middle school bullshit even qualifies as dating, anyways. Turns out, he was feeding the same lines to Sloane.

Sloane is a lesbian.

Morris is an idiot.

I dumped his sorry ass immediately, especially after realizing that I didn't even like him that much. I'd only known him for about a week prior, so suffice to say, I didn't realize what a passive-aggressive jerk he really was.

Ugh. Just thinking about him makes me want to murder the world.

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It's currently 6:00 AM and I feel like a drunk, headless chicken running around Sloane's living room. I've sent check in videos on the half hour to Preston, and so far, we're just about tied in a round of sudden death. Serena fell asleep first, as predicated, around 1:30. Natalia fell asleep around 4:00, after texting with Mitchell for hours (how cute). I know that she doesn't share the same feelings for him that he does for her, but I think that they'll be pretty good friends someday.

The bet is off at 6:30, in half an hour, and needless to say, Rachel and Sloane are not digging it. We've been up since around 6:00 yesterday, spending the entire day at an exhausting final day of sophomore year.

Two of Preston's friends have already fallen asleep, so if another person on either side falls asleep, then that team loses.

"I want to sleeeeepp I hate you for thissss," Rachel drawls out.

"Just twenty more minutes, come one, you can do it!" I say to encourage her.

"Yaks yawn in the yummy forest!!" Rachel shouts in triumph as she gallops across the room and throws marshmallow cereal around like its confetti.

"Shhhhhb you'll wake up my parentssss," Sloane puts a finger over her mouth and giggles. "J is for freedom!" Sloane whisper-shouts.

Like I said, we're REALLY tired.

"When is the next checking in of the phonesssss," Rachel asks me, flopping down onto the white couch in Sloane's living room and caressing one of the pink pillows.

"Don't molest Larry!!" Sloane shouts, running and snatching the pillow from Rachel, causing her to fall back onto her ass. "Ouchies." She grunts.

"In about half an hour," I tell Rachel, holding out a hand to help Sloane up. My head is killing me and I want nothin more than to go to sleep, but I'll be damned if I'm letting the boys beat us. GIRLS RULE!!

My phone vibrates and I reach to grab it, opening up a text from Preston.

- PRESTON <6:08 AM>: Oh shit -

- KATE <6:09 AM>: What? -

- PRESTON <6:09 AM>: James fell asleep. -


- PRESTON <6:11 AM>: Fuck this. I'll pay you this weekend -

- KATE <6:11 AM>: You better!!!!! I'm gonna sleep now bye bye -

- PRESTON <6:12 AM: Goodnight -

"We won!!" I whisper-shout in triumph, tossing my phone to the other couch and grabbing a pillow and blanket.

"I'm sleeping now good night bitches I love you and Preston is beautiful goodnight," Rachel mumbles before flopping down onto the sofa and crashing.

"Wait wait... 'Preston is beautiful' what now?" I say, quirking an eyebrow. Rachel is already asleep, though, so it's no use.

"Who knows. Goodnight," Sloane says, grabbing the blanket out of my hands and flopping down on another section of the gigantic couch.

"Hey!" I shout, narrowing my eyes and shrugging off Rachel's comment about Preston.

"Get your own blanket," Sloane mumbles as she slowly closes her eyes and dozes off.

"Hmpf. That was my blanket," I huff, going and grabbing another before plopping onto the couch and dozing off myself.

History was made tonight, my friends, and the girls beat the boy's sorry asses.

Also, I just got twenty bucks out of this mess. Yay!

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A/N: Thank you for reading, lovely people! Please vote and comment if you liked the story! :)

*Shameless self promo alert* Please check out my new book, The War, and let me know what you think! I love to hear from you guys <3

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<3 Alex

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