~~~~~Damien's POV~~~~~
Xavier came up to me with information that Edward was experiencing pain in the classroom and that after the pain, he was in a dream like state with no reaction or awareness to his surroundings. In my head, I keep thinking if he has the same dreams like me; a person that looks almost identical to me but also completely non-identical to me. I was walking out of class to meet with Edward to see if he was okay, luckily it's currently break for the entire school; I saw Edward outside his class and went up to him.I put my hand on his shoulder and asked him, "Is everything okay brother?"
He simply replied, "Yes I'm fine. Just a major headache, but I'm all god now"
I gave a sigh of relief and walked with the others to get to our next class. We all have different classes so we split off from one another when we reached our designated class. As time went on throughout the day, it was the same as yesterday except we just had a normal lunch. Once the end of the school day happened, everyone was getting into the vehicle except me.
I went up to the car and held the door and told Xavier,
"I'll meet you all at the house, I'm going somewhere to meet an old friend"
Xavier gave a simple nod and replied, "Sure, I'll relay the message to mother and father"
I closed the door and the driver then bowed to me and proceeded to drive the others to the manor. With this, I activated the Crea-Pad and activated the vehicle creation part of it; this allowed me to create a Lumicycle. Once I put on my helmet, I ignited the engine and started driving to my requested destination. Driving wasn't an issue as you're allowed tho drive at the age of 15 in this kingdom; though I try not to go over the top as I do care about my safety.
I managed to reach my destination after driving for a few minutes, the location I was heading to is a hospital. I scheduled a meeting with a therapist about the dreams I was having, I checked my phone and tried to figure out which room I'm supposed to be in. After searching for ten minutes, I managed to successfully locate the room and quietly knock the door but still audible for the person to hear; a feminine voice can then be heard to come in.
I opened the door and entered the room, and at the end of the room, sat an old family friend that we have known for years. It was Dr Vasilaki, she was a childhood doctor that we had known throughout our lives; any sickness or illness we had, she would of came and aided us. I simply smiled when looking at her and she smiled back, after that gesture she stood up and asked me,
"Hello Damien, it's nice to see you again. Though I take this meeting isn't all about just catching up isn't it?"
With a nervous laugh, I simply replied: "You're correct doctor, I wish it was on better terms but I need your help"
She gave a nod and gestured to a seat I can sit on, she then sat down once I proceeded to sit on the designated seat. She pulled out her crew-pad and Stylon. Once fully prepared, she asked the main question,
"So what's been troubling your mind, Damien?"
To the question she asked, I replied, "I don't know Korra, these dreams I keep having. They feel so realistic, like I'm able to experience first hand what is felt and what emotion is being emitted"
I looked up for a bit and Dr Vasilaki looked intrigued of what I said. After pondering for a bit, she spoke up,
"This is certainly intriguing Damien, please continue. How long have you had these memories and what do you see within them?"
I took a breath in and replied, "My best guess or earliest record would be a year and a half ago. They just appeared suddenly one night when I was sleeping. Though these memories, it reminds me what the stories my parents used to tell me and my siblings about 3000 years ago"

A Boundless Shadow
RomanceAround 5000 years ago, a Great War ravaged the planet of Ayldrad. 2 sides fighting for either dominance or freedom. The war lasted for 8 years and seemed like there was no end, until one side created a new branch of soldier known as the Titan Guardi...