She stood in front everyone and prepared herself to talk about herself, everyone in the class even stared at her as they were curious about the 'mysterious' lady. Me on the other hand, repeatedly thinking that I know the voice of the person but unable to remember who she is; this made me a bit frustrated but refrain from doing anything that can get me in trouble. Llana nudged me for me to face the front as apparently something is about to happen, the mysterious lady started to remove her mask and show everyone what she really looks like. Everyone stared in awe of her beauty but my head proceeded to start pounding like it wants to force something to awaken, this concerned Llana next to me and ask what's wrong; I hesitantly smiled and said I'm okay but I know I'm not. That is until my eyes started to feel like they are being darkened and engulfed into a world completely filled with nothing but abyss, that is until the surrounding changed into a scenery of autumn with leaves falling from the branches. This confused me due to the fact people started appearing around me without being able to see me, like a ghost or a projection of what happened.
Varied amounts of people appeared in this 'dreamscape' of sorts, I pieced it all and went to the conclusion that I am currently in a park of the past. The weird part of this is that the park looks the largest park in Imperia, Paracelian Park; named after the goddess that we praise in our country. Looking around the surrounding area, I see a group of people in the distance; I walked closer to gather a better look on them. For some reason, when I saw their faces, they looked exactly like my family but a bit older; this made me think of that are we reincarnations of the old Imperial Royal family that once stood 5000 years ago?
The 'dreamscape' was just like a virtual reality but there is no talking but background sounds. Meaning that I can hear everything from leaves rustling in the wind to the ball being kicked but I was unable to hear talking from people, I was confused as it seems that I am either not ready to learn about this conversation they're having or that it doesn't really matter. My feet felt like a weight has been lifted as I was unable to move them earlier, my first thought was to start walking down the wide walkway and experience this memory fragment of someone in the past, it was pretty normal until the surrounding area then started to blacken and move to a much different day; the only difference between is when that day was. The park that once looked very beautiful with all the trees and life, has now turned to a massive pile of destruction; trees being incinerated or on fire, massive holes in the field, bodies laying everywhere, fighting in some areas, and people crying and running for their lives. It was a sight that could demolish you, that is until it darkened again and a white light appeared; it seems that it's collectively getting bigger until I woke up from that dreamscape and back into reality.
I woke up in the medical room, wondering how I got here, that is until Llana and the doctor appeared from behind the glass doors. Llana went up to me and asked,
"You okay? You had a small headache and then were in a motionless stance, we tried to wake you until we realised you weren't responding. Me and the girl who went up to the front took you here"
I replied, "I see, thanks sis, I should probably thank her as well the next time I see here. Now next is the doctor, it certainly has been a while"
The doctor replied, "It certainly has, you have all grown much older the last time I saw you both, but still just as kind as I remember"
I smile and said, "Thank you Doctor Tiara, it's nice to see you again. Thank you again for helping me"
She gave a smile and gave me a piece of paper as to show I have been to the medical room. Before me and Llana left, she said,
"Be careful Damien, the world is not as simple as we think it is"
With a confused look, I left the medical room wondering what she meant by saying that. Llana gave a confused look as to wanting to know why I feel out of it, I gave a reassuring smile and said,
"we're going to be late for the next class"
Llana replied, "race you there then"
I laughed and started running through the empty halls to quickly get into class, which is agriculture class with Obex. Surprisingly, I have this class with Edward, so me and Llana will meet up with him inside. With only one minute left until we are considered 'late' to class, we managed to reach the class with like twenty seconds left. The teacher looked at me and Llana and started laughing, he then said,
"Were you both running to my class or trying to run the mile?"
Everyone in the class started laughing but me and Llana tried even though we were lost for breath. Edward had a look of joy and disappointment on his face, to which I didn't even blame him for it; we did just ran halfway across the school for a class. Obex then continued,
"alright, take it easy. I heard you were in the medical room earlier so don't push yourself too much, so today is a bit more laxed due to being my first class with you all"
I thanked him and managed to get a seat next to Edward, while Llana found a seat next to the girl that helped me. Edward gave a confused look and asked,
"what's with the looking back? You interested with the girl next to sis? ehhhh?".
I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him, and retorted,
"No, she helped me earlier about a problem and took me to the nurses office, I want to thank her".
He gave a look of understanding as he then faced the front of the classroom where the teacher was. I did the same thing but I was focusing on two things, what was that dream and why would she help me? The class that is occurring, is about Astronomy; the reason we have astronomy as a class is because we have managed to develop interstellar travel and therefore must learn various planets that are deemed hospitable or harmful to us. Obex showed a planet that was a couple of lightyears away, the planet Earth, we know of its existence but refused to communicate with them due to uncertainty that they would be peaceful. Apparently, today we are learning about the Sol System, which is the solar system of where Earth is and seven other planets, as well as five dwarf planets; this gives us an understanding of what to expect when in the future we meet with the people of Earth.
~~40 minutes later~~
Tutor Obex finished up his class by explaining how there was a planet in the Fallion System called Medius, highly toxic due to a high content of Sulfur Dioxide in the atmosphere. But, we had an advance filter suit so we are able to land on the planet but must never take off the suit or else death.
Obex lastly said, "It is very nice to meet you all and enjoy your lunch".
We all left the class and started to meet up with Xavier and Christian to head to the mess hall. Xavier and Christian appeared out of Philosophy class. We all spoke about our classes and anything that interested us in it, that is we met up with Llana and the girl that helped me so I went up and said,
"Thanks for helping me earlier, I have no idea what came over me. It's nice to meet you"
She gave a smile and replied, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Valkyrie"
I responded back, "I'm Damien, you met Llana and these are our siblings. Edward, Xavier and Christian"
The trio behind me gave a wave, head bow and a salute type of hello with their two fingers. After that, Edward came to the front and said,
"Hate to have this nice intro but we should probably enter the lunch line or else we won't be eating today".
We all smiled and started to head into the mess hall and once we entered, it was not what we expected.

A Boundless Shadow
RomanceAround 5000 years ago, a Great War ravaged the planet of Ayldrad. 2 sides fighting for either dominance or freedom. The war lasted for 8 years and seemed like there was no end, until one side created a new branch of soldier known as the Titan Guardi...