Chapter 22: Just right after approximating

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The meal lasted for over an hour.

Truthfully, Jiyeon hadn’t been in a good mood since the conflict with Yeonjung.

Even her eating and sleeping had been deeply disrupted. She didn’t eat last night and simply went to bed lethargically after taking a shower.

It was the same this morning. Since she was in a daze thinking about things, she was almost late to work and only ate a small bun to fill her stomach.

So tonight’s dinner was the most comfortable meal she’s had in a long time.

The sizzling and fatty barbecue smelled amazing, and upon putting it inside her mouth and thoroughly chewing it, she felt happiness overflow, putting her in a good mood.

The air conditioner was turned on in the small private room. The cold wind and heat from the grill swirled together, making the air the right temperature as it fanned against her face.

It was both quiet and comfortable.

She lowered her head to grill the meat, and as she thought, she suddenly let out a laugh.

“What are you laughing dumbly about?” Hyunjung soon discovers her strangeness.

She was in a good mood today, so she asked the waitress for some alcohol.

It was a fruit wine, so the alcohol content wasn’t very high, where even after a couple of glasses, she was only a little tipsy.

She seemed no different from normal.

But cheeks were slightly red and she spoke more than before, much of her nature that had been suppressed finally released.

She thought there was something funny seeing Jiyeon laugh and moved her head over to look.

So such a scene appeared—

One person kept laughing at the barbecue, and the other was frowning, trying to figure out what exactly was so funny.

After she still couldn’t discover anything, she moved back awkwardly, opening her mouth and letting out a few “haha’s” to go along.

It was weirdly cute.

Jiyeon watched her, her smile deepening.

A conclusion also gradually emerged from the bottom of her mind.

To be honest . . . every time she went out with Hyunjung, she felt quite happy.

Jiyeon got up to use the bathroom after she finish eating. But before she left, she felt a little worried fearing that this crybaby would secretly cry again after drinking too much.

But Hyunjung didn’t look too unusual at the moment. She felt relieved and hurried to the bathroom, then went downstairs to the front desk to pay the bill.

But only when she asked did she discover that her boss had already settled the bill at some point.

When did this happen?!

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