Chapter 37: A Small Dog

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Kim Jiyeon, who was proclaimed to be A Ji by Kim Hyunjung, didn't dare to say a word on the journey.

After all, seeing this crybaby already wearing a mask, it was clear she was still angry. If she continued to pester her, she might get abandoned halfway through the journey.

Why not...... endure it first, and speak again when her mood was slightly better?

Jiyeon sighed, shaking her head and keeping her mouth closed. She took out her phone and started playing with it.

Because it wasn't just the two of them today, she specially chose the seat at the back, leaving the front seat for Cheng Xiao.

Although she was further from the president, it was more convenient to do stuff without having to worry about being caught.

Such as--

Scrolling through Twitter.

She had been worrying about the president all day yesterday. Adding on the fact that she had blurted out her secret, she had been more absent-minded, completely forgetting about Twitter and only recalling it now.

With such a big thing happening, Hyunjung would not be able to resist posting on Twitter.

She knew her like the back of her hand.

And it was proven, it was exactly like she expected.

Jiyeon just opened it, and a flood of updates entered her eye.

The earliest one was posted on that very night.

"Why did Kim Jiyeon kiss and bite me? qaq, what does she mean? so this person ends up like this after she drinks too much? "

"Why do I still have to work after getting splashed with soup?! Mopping the floor and washing clothes, I'm so mad, I'm so mad!"

"Like hell, I'm going to believe her words, she's a small dog, only knows how to bite people and bark qaq"

Jiyeon: "......"

It was too overboard, so be it about the small dog, when did she ever bark?

She sighed internally and glanced at her boss who was driving, thinking that not only did this person hold a grudge, she even recently learned how to twist the truth.

Continuing to scroll, she found out that Hyunjung didn't sleep that entire night.

There was a new update every so often, but the content was all about the same. If it wasn't Hyunjung whining and crying, it was scolding Jiyeon.

How angry must she have been, scold her the entire night on Twitter?

But thanks to these posts, she finally understood what had happened that night.

So it turns out that Hyunjung had carried her to the bed after she fell asleep, and she was the one who mopped up the soup on the floor, and even those clothes that she had left on the drying rack because she didn't have time to fold them, were all kept by the president when she finished drying her blouse......

So virtuous.

Reading all these, Jiyeon's heart felt warm and the sides of her lips gently lifted.

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