Chapter 40: My Girlfriend Is Super Cute

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God only knows how hard it is to hear a confession from Hyunjung.

Jiyeon almost couldn’t react in time, pausing for a moment before nodding frantically.

She was too afraid that this crybaby would take back her words because of embarrassment, so she immediately cut off any escape route.

Looking at her, Jiyeon agreed with a light, cheery voice. “Okay.”

Hearing that, the anxiety in Hyunjung's eyes evaporated and her tense body relaxed.

But her face got even redder and the tears in her eyes couldn’t be held back anymore, falling in rivulets as she nodded her head.

In the end, even her love letter became damp, the ink spreading across the paper and staining her fingers.

But she didn’t notice and wanted to wipe her face with her hand.

Thankfully, Jiyeon stopped her in the nick of time, otherwise, she really would become a tabby cat with streaks of ink on her face.

Although she was already on her way to becoming one.

Jiyeon took out a tissue from her bag and helped Hyunjung wipe her tears away.

Her mouth wasn’t idle either, she coaxed and bluffed her way into taking the love letter, saying it was all damp and that she would help Hyunjung dispose of it, she secretly placed it into her pocket.

After all, this was the love letter that Hyunjung spent the whole night writing.

She had to keep it safe.

It would be a waste not to read it.


After a while, Hyunjung finally stopped crying.

Looking at Jiyeon, she probably felt embarrassed, so she looked away.

But she kept insisting that she wasn’t crying just now, it was just a biological reflex.

“Anybody would cry when they’re confessing,” she said in a hushed voice with her eyebrows furrowed. “It’s the same reason why you’ll cry when cutting onions.”


This was the first time she had heard this reasoning.

She secretly laughed at her for a moment in her heart, but outwardly she agreed, saying yes, I secretly cried that night when I confessed to you too.

Hearing that, Hyunjung's expression lightened up.

Maybe it was because she felt like she hadn’t lost all her face, she finally looked at Jiyeon and stretched out her hand.

Jiyeon was confused: “What is it?”

Hyunjung didn’t say anything, grabbing her hand and swinging it back and forth.

In a soft voice, she said: “You’re my girlfriend from now on……”

She said it so seriously, and even her expression was serious and sincere, with a particularly pretty red smudged across her cheeks.

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