Chapter 32: She's still angry

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The lunch that Jiyeon made was so sumptuous; it didn’t cross her mind when she was cooking. But standing in the kitchen, she realized that it might be too rich/heaty for Hyunjung.

It was pork ribs and chicken soup, after all; they were both pretty nourishing.

Maybe she should brew some cooling tea.

She bent down, rummaging through a cabinet before pulling out a packet of tea leaves.

Pinching some out, she sprinkled it into the water and ran it through a filter. Pausing, she looked up and saw a big bag of snacks.

Wanting to ask Hyunjung if she wanted any, she raised her voice and called her name.

But she didn’t get a response.

What was she doing?

Jiyeon hesitated, worrying that her boss might have dozed off on the couch after eating so much, so she set aside the matter of the snacks.

Carrying the tea, Jiyeon walked out of the kitchen quietly and snuck a glance. But she saw that Hyunjung wasn’t asleep. She was tapping away on Jiyeon's phone with her head lowered.


What are you playing with my phone for?

Jiyeon had experienced someone secretly looking at her phone before in school. So she had used very complex passwords.

Looking at Hyunjung tapping away with her head lowered, she was quite shocked, thinking her password had been guessed.

But she realized it hadn't as she drew closer. The phone was still clearly on the lock screen.

On it…… There was a kakaotalk notification.

Jiyeon immediately paused, an ominous feeling surfacing in her heart, scaring her into standing still.

Looking at her phone than looking at Hyunjung, she exhaled deeply and took a few quick steps forward.

She had wanted to snatch her phone back.

But she didn’t manage to snatch her phone back. Instead, she made eye contact with Hyunjung the moment she raised her head.

She…… was shocked.

Her face was so red!

Jiyeon watched as the person in front of her bit down on her lower lip. Her face flushed as her eyebrows furrowed together in a wrinkled expression.

There was a watery glint at the bottom of her eyes. Although the tears were all held back, it was clear that her eyes were all filled with tears.

She looked so pitiful with her tears gathering in her eyes!

Jiyeon felt guilty looking at her. When she glanced at her phone, she saw the nickname she had given this crybaby.

She froze and all she could think of was——

It’s over.

Hyunjung pushed Jiyeon away. Her whole body moved to the side as she held tightly onto the phone.

Her pretty eyes were filled with anger as she asked harshly: “Jiyeonsshi, what’s with this nickname!”

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