Chapter 43: Worn Out Clothes

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That story about Hyunjung's uncle’s mouth getting crooked was pretty helpful in inducing drowsiness.

Jiyeon felt drowsier and drowsier, and before she heard the end of the story, she had already drifted off to dreamland.

Her breathing evened out and became low and steady.

Halfway into her story, Hyunjung finally turned her head to see that Jiyeon was already asleep, and she quickly stopped talking.

Sitting up and glancing at the window, she pulled the blanket more securely over Jiyeon before lying back down.

She pulled out her phone and opened Twitter ——

"I helped my girlfriend button her top today. It was so cold, how could she not pay more attention? Lucky I was around, or she would have caught a cold."

"I’m so awesome!" 【A Ji approves.jpg】

Before she hit the send button, she thought for a moment and added on a few lines——

"I’m going to sleep too. Although it’s a rest day tomorrow, I still have to go to the factory."

"But somehow, I don’t feel tired. Maybe it’s the power of having a girlfriend."

"It’s so good to have a girlfriend qaq"

After sending out such a long update, she finally felt relieved.

She placed her phone under the pillow and turned over, trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

But just as she closed her eyes, she remembered Jiyeon was prone to having nightmares and she couldn’t help feeling sorry for her.

So she turned around again and moved a little closer to Jiyeon, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She whispered: “It’s time to sleep……”

For the first time in her life, she was the one coaxing someone else.

So she stayed in that position all night, and the next morning, her arm was all numb and her neck hurt.



Jiyeon slept very well last night.

She vaguely remembered dreaming of someone gently patting her shoulder, humming soothingly, and even singing a few lines.

As for what was sung, she couldn’t recall anymore, but it wasn’t very pleasing to the ears; pretty much every line was off-key.

And it felt like one of those old recordings, where the tape would get jammed after a few lines.

Probably just forgot the lyrics.

She had wanted to laugh then, her lips curling upwards in her sleep.

With that happiness and sense of security, she woke up feeling great the next morning.

She stretched lazily in bed, but she didn’t see Hyunjung next to her when she turned around.

Recalling that Hyunjung mentioned that she had to go to the factory last night, she wasn’t too worried, opening kakaotalk to send a good morning message across.

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