Ch 45: Birthday Wolf Part 2

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In April, Keanu for the first time visited the memorial on the second anniversary and met with the people who were affected by the tragedy. They all welcomed him with open arms, including Terrence Browne and the flight attendant's loved ones. Hunter and Kendall accompanied Keanu who brought a bouquet of white roses to lay on the memorial.

After the memorial was covered in flowers, poems, and loves letters, a moment of silence came to pay respect to the fallen passengers and crew of flight 8085. Keanu leaned on Hunter's shoulder and held his hand for comfort. Hunter reciprocated by squeezing his hand gently. Maybe there was still a few hard feelings for Keanu, but he held himself strong. He had someone who he could shoulder on. Hunter gave him a peck on his head.

"It's all right," he whispered. Keanu only nodded silently.

The gathering ended. Some had left and a few remained for a small chat. Some came to Keanu and Kendall about the article they read. It was nice to see and hear from the young wolf he was doing well for the first time after a few years of the events.

Terrence Browne parted from his parents and stopped by to meet Keanu. The ferret was feeling fine and sported a small but warm smile. "How do you do?" he said.

Keanu smiled. "I'm doing great, Terrence. Thanks."

"First time coming here?"

"Yes," he squeezed Hunter's hand, "thanks to Hunter, he helped me to embrace and face the past. It's nice that you came, too."

"Yeah, me too, I was too afraid to come here but my parents encouraged me to do it, they told me it will do me well for better closure. They were right though. Thanks for telling me everything, Keanu. I'll probably... uh, well, I'm glad I'm doing well and knowing what happened to my late girlfriend and all. I can now move on with my life now."

"Me too, Terrence. I'll see you at the next football match. I hope you all win this year."

Terrence smiled. "Thanks." He waved at them. "Later," and marched toward his waiting parents.

Hunter watched the ferret's departure; he was glad to see him making a recovery from his troubles and heard from Xerxes that he was improving his studies and football practices. He was suspended after the small incident in November for one match. He was given one more chance when he came back freshened up for the next game in February. They won and now spring break was coming up soon with another big game coming up.

"You both ready to come back home?" Kendall said to the pair.

The wolves nodded and followed the elder wolf back to their homes. Keanu's shoulders had lightened up to zero and felt satisfied and free from his long dread of the past. He could now move on and have a peaceful life with his friends and Hunter. There was so much to do ahead of him that he wanted to share it with the people who cared and loved the most. He had a life to make the most of it and he knew it had already begun.


September arrived and the start of Keanu's second year in college as a sophomore. But before that, today was his 19th birthday! In one year since he moved to Rexville, he saw major changes in his life that turned for the better. He had friends and a boyfriend who loved him with all the bottom of his heart, and he valued and very much appreciated their friendship.

The little birthday party was held in the apartment's outdoor pool in the gazebo. Among the guests were Keanu's first-year students he met and hung out around; Frankie, Oliver, Joseph, Irvin, Yestin, and Robin. Hunter's circle of friends; Milagros, Sergio, Broderick, Sol, Xerxes, Xavier, Natasha, and Topher who Sol invited him along. Keanu's cousins, Jack, and Crystal. Hunter's and Keanu's family, including Kendall's new girlfriend Hannah and her daughter Lizzy, all gathered at the party to mingle and have fun.

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