Ch 21: Halloween Night Part 2

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The six detectives were each given three random cards. The players were given their personal space and looked at their cards. Keanu carefully looked at his cards, he had Mr. Green, the library, and the kitchen. These rooms were out of the question when one player suggested upon who did it, with what, and where. Keanu could disprove with one card at the suggestion when someone before him could not disprove the theory. Keanu was given a little notepad and pen to write down the clues and to find who did it.

Keanu looked at the other players, writing down their given cards as obsolete, but useful to disprove a suggestion.

He now knew that Mr. Green was not the murderer, nor it happened in the library and the kitchen. He did not have fair clue which of the six weapons was used. He had to think outside the box like the times he had played online.

"Alright, first thing first," said Josephine the hostess. "We are now gonna hear our suspects' testimony regarding what happened at the Tudor Mansion. Starting with Miss Scarlett!"

The ferret-girl in red stepped forward, Keanu and others listened to her testimony.

"After dinner, we separated in our ways, I had a long chat with Mr. Green and Prof. Plum in the dining room before I bade them goodnight and going to bed upstairs. A lady needs some beauty sleep, am I right? Later that night, Mrs. White knocked on my door and told me that Mr. Boddy was dead."

"Col. Mustard."

The elephant-man stepped forward for his story. "After dinner, I came for a visit to the living room to relax with Mr. Green and Mr. Boddy, we socialized until Mr. Green pardoned to go the bathroom and I was alone with Mr. Boddy for a while until it was time to go to bed. I saw Miss Scarlett coming upstairs behind me before I bade her goodnight and went to my guest room. When I was preparing for bed, Mrs. White knocked on my door, announcing Mr. Boddy's death."

"Mrs. White."

"After dinner, I was cleaning up the table and taking the plates to the kitchen. I was alone, the invited guests were still mingling in the dining room before they moved to other rooms in the mansion. I never left the kitchen until Prof. Plum ran up to find me and told me that Mr. Boddy was dead. I ran to the other guests' rooms and told them what happened and call the police."

"Mr. Green."

"After dinner, I chatted with Miss Scarlett and Prof. Plum before hanging out with Mr. Boddy and Col. Mustard at the living room. I had to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself and left the two alone in the room. I bumped into Prof. Plum in the corridor, asking where Mr. Boddy was, and told him he was at the living room with Col. Mustard. After finishing my business, I saw Miss Scarlett again walking upstairs alone. I heard Prof. Plum screaming and ran out from the living room and checked to see what happened and found Mr. Boddy dead."

"Mrs. Peacock."

The cat-girl in a blue gown made a fake rich-snobby accent. "Shortly after dinner, I made for the conservatory by myself to see Mr. Boddy's exotic flower collection. Prof. Plum was going to join me later; he had a chat with Mr. Green and Miss Scarlett in the dining room. I had spent the entire time in the conservatory before I was about to turn in for the night until I saw Prof. Plum screaming and calling for help throughout the corridor and ran to the kitchen where Mrs. White was. He was panicking and shouting that Mr. Boddy was dead."

"Prof. Plum."

Prof. Sheehan spoke in a timid manner, "A-after dinner, I was s-socializing with Mr. Green and M-miss Scarlett before I could join Mrs. P-peacock in the Con-conservatory. I decided to get Mr. Boddy, so I could ask him more about the exotic plant he had, and I bumped into Mr. Green in the corridor, and I asked him where he was, and he told me he was in the living room, and I made it there and found him dead there!" He made an exaggerated cry, hands on his face in horror.

Rexville (gay furry) ENGWhere stories live. Discover now