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It started from a "Hello, am I speaking with Grey Hut?"

"sorry, this isn't Grey. You dialed the wrong number."

Then, the call ended.

There's this guy I have had a crush on since forever. He's name's Grey. He's cute, hot and funny. He's the face of Yelana High- the school I attend. Every girl wants him, I want him too. Ever since 9th grade in high school, I have been sending him secret love letters. He doesn't know it's me. No one knows.

So, the other day, I got his number from the teacher's register and Decided to give him a call to tell him how I felt about him and probably ask him out to the school dance. So, I dialed the number. It began ringing. I could hear my heart panting so much. Finally, someone picked up.

It wasn't him. Another person answered and said, "...You dialed the wrong number."

I was so disappointed. I was in the 12th grade and was graduating soon. I really wanted to tell him how I felt before I graduated. Right there and then, I decided that I would tell him in person.

I spent my weekend trying to construct the most beautiful letter yet for Grey. I kept writing, canceling, tearing, throwing out, repeat. I was so restless that weekend. After a long battle with myself, I came up with a piece I was satisfied with and slept off.

Monday morning came and I got ready for school. Immediately I entered the classroom, I walked up to Greg and handed him a note telling him that I wanted to speak with him during lunchtime. I then went to my seat to sit down.

It was lunchtime. Grey was no longer in class, I didn't even know when he left. Seeing this, I stood up to look around for him. I walked out of the class and went over to his usual spot to check for him. I see him there, with his crew.

"Grey, I said I wanted to speak with you about something." I say

He replies, "and what could it be that you and I have to discuss? I don't even know your name"

" can we go somewhere to talk? I promise it will be brief."

We go over to a corner.

"So, what is it?" he asks.

I then bring out the letter I had written from my bag and nervously hand it over to him.

"I have been the one sending you letters since 9th grade." I add.

He reads through.

"do you have a pen?" he asks.

Smiling, I answer. "Yes, I do." I bring it out from my bag and give it to him.

He suddenly begins circling things in the letter.

"Your English is really poor. You've been writing letters to me since 9th grade and you haven't improved? How pathetic! Who the heck do you think you are?! Furious Grey screams at me.

This draws attention.

Soon, People begin to gather.

"oh since you told me you like me, you think I would date a loser like you? Are you out of your freaking mind?

He tears the letter and throws it to my face. All I could only do was bend my head in shame.

A month later, I'm now being called 'Losanna'. It's the school dance/ prom- a night before our school graduation, can't wait to just graduate and get this embarrassing episode over with. I have no date for the prom, so I'm just going to sit at home and wait patiently for graduation to come.

Finally, the night is over and it's Graduation. I doll myself up- a bit and head out with my parents and siblings. Soon, graduation is over and we all go home.

Weeks later, I see an ad somewhere. It's a tour centered summer camp and it's free! I was so excited, I have always wanted to travel to new places in group but I couldn't because I didn't really have friends, the only friend I have is Molly- My dog. Seeing that poster made me excited, I applied for it ASAP.

"Anna, you are not going anywhere. For a tour camp? All by yourself?" My mom uttered.

"Mom, please. I'm no longer a baby. For crying out loud, I'm 18."

"And if you are 18? Does that make you more than a child? You are still a child to me, my child" she continues.

"This woman, let Anna go. Let her experience life." My dad says.

"Anna, get ready. Tomorrow we will go out for shopping. You have to get new clothes for your trip."

Since my dad had my support, I knew that I was gonna go and was happy. I looked forward to my trip.

The day of departure came. I said my goodbyes and dad took me with him in his car and dropped me off at the train station. I then boarded the train to Ruhema.

I met King at Tour camp. I was running and trying to meet up with the others when I bumped into this really tall guy. Well, What can I say? I'm 5'2. I had to stop to apologize. When I was done, I resumed walking. Then I heard him call out.

"Hey, wait up. Are you here for the tour camp? He asked.

Yeah. The Dorime National Park tour." I replied.

"Wow. I am here for it too." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I am King Summer." He introduced himself to me.

"Nice to meet you too. I am Anna Yates."

"The Tour members are actually that way." King pointed.

"Oh, I thought it was actually this way."

"Come on. Let's go." he said.

King led the way and we caught up with the others.

That day was for introduction. We really had fun. I met like minded people.

I learnt a lot of new things everyday at the camp. I was really having the best time of my life. I was truly happy, I liked the fact that I was very comfortable there- compared to when I was in high school. I really enjoyed that newly found freedom. It was refreshing.

As the days went by, King and I started getting to know each other better. I felt secure around him and was able to be my true self. I grew so fond of him that I didn't want to stay 6 ft. apart from him. Soon, I noticed that I had started developing feelings for him.

As soon as I noticed this new feeling, I started distancing myself from him to avoid being caught red handed and to avoid another embarrassing situation- like that of Grey. Each time he approached me to talk or sit with me, I would just ignore him.

The two weeks Camp was ending in 24hrs time and it had been two days since I stopped talking to King.

One night, I had gone to use the rest room. when I was on my way back, I saw King and a girl from the camp hugging so passionately. Immediately I saw that, I turned my back and ran off. As I was running, I spangled my legs and fell down. I tried to get up but the pain was so much. I didn't want him to see me, so I struggled to stand up and began walking away.

Suddenly, I felt a hand holding mine. I turned. It was King.

"Ann, What's the matter?"

I burst into tears.

Still Crying, "I like you! Okay? I am in love with you. These past few days has been so difficult for me. I couldn't breathe. I can't live without you. My heart keeps aching and aching because of you that I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do anymore."

He pulls me to himself and we kiss.

"I love you." he says and we kiss again.

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