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     So, two months ago, I found this book in an abandoned house during Halloween.
     I and my friends, Rose and Kelly had gone out to celebrate Halloween.
     Later that evening, Rose said that she heard that there was a house that had been abandoned somewhere in the woods for years and suggested that we should go there to check it out.
     In no time, we began searching for the haunted house like we've heard and seen in stories.
     We finally saw the house. As we stepped into this abandoned house, it was dark and scary.
     Kel was scared, so she pleaded with us to go back but I wasn't ready for that. I was curious, I wanted to know what might be in there. So, I beckoned on them to stay.
    "let's look around for like five minutes and after that, we will leave here" I said.
They agreed and we began our search.
     Suddenly, I felt something. It was my leg. It was trapped! I felt something holding me back.
I then looked down to check. I saw a book lying next to my leg which was now free.
     Realizing that my leg was now free, I decided to leave there to let my curious self check other places but as I was about to leave, something started dragging my leg again.
     I looked down again.
I didn't see anything near me- except for the book.
     I then bent over to pick up the book.
As I was about to carry it up, I saw a tiny hand. It gave my hands a slap.
It was from the book! The book had hands!!
      I screamed in fear.
Rose and Kelly ran towards my direction immediately they heard me.
"What is the matter?" They asked almost at the same time.
     Shaking, I Point, "the book- the book. The book has hands"
They turn to look at the direction I pointed at and are confused.
      "What are you saying? What book? We need to get you out of here. Let's go" Rose said and led the way.
       We left there and all went home.
When I got home, I freshened up and slept off.

       The next morning was school.
The alarm rang and I woke up.
I got ready for school and left.
There’s this girl in school. Her name is Miranda. She’s the cheerleader. She’s so mean.
I don’t know how I offended her but her and her girls always pick on me.
Sometimes, I ignore. Sometimes, I don’t.
Just because I don’t seem to fit in, they all call me a nerd.
Rose and Kelly go to a different school from mine. We all attended the same middle school but when I got a scholarship into Grema high- which I am currently attending, we no longer went to the same school.
      Grema high is one of the best schools in the US. It is mostly attended by children of the high class, celebrities and anyone with wealth. When I wrote the scholarship exam, I didn’t know I would pass. When I got the call, everything felt so unbelievable. I just couldn’t contain my excitement.
      Now, I really hate going to school. Miranda and almost everyone else has made life unbearable for me. I have been enduring, I am still enduring because I was raised by a single mom. I don’t want to create an extra burden for her, I don’t want her to struggle with paying my school fees. I will keep on attending this school that I’m privileged to attend for free- because of mom.
      Miranda Murphy is the only child of Sara Murphy- an actress and Roland Murphy- an ex-basketball player. With those kind of people as her parents, she was basically born into a life of luxury which makes her feel like she’s better than everyone else.
      When I got to grade 11- my class, I was about to sit when I heard someone say:
“Oh Nerdy Tessie is here”
I turned it was Elizabeth, one of Miranda’s people.
I just ignored and sat down.
      Some minutes later, our Art teacher- Mr. Davis walked in.
“Hello everyone, it’s time for your presentation.”
        Few weeks back, He had given us an assignment to research and create something unique.
       I had come up with this app.
Yes, I’m good in programming.
It’s an app that allows you to track people or things by the use of their pictures. Once the picture is placed, search results of a person or thing who looks like that and where he is likely to be found, will come up.
      I was happy about this project because it was what I was really good at. So, I brought out my phone in preparation for my name to be called.
“Tessa Milan”
      As I heard my name, I took my phone from my desk and prepared to get up- but, I couldn’t! I couldn’t move my butt out of the chair I sat.
     “What’s wrong? Why are you still sitting? Didn’t you hear your name?”
Mr. Davis asked.
I was at second to the last row at the back.
      “Sir, I can’t move. My butt is stuck.”
Laughter fills the air.
“Silence!!” the teacher says.
“I can’t hear you Tessa. You didn’t prepare a presentation?”
      I was so sad. After working so hard, I wouldn’t get to present my project?
“No!” I said to myself.
“They can’t win! I will do my presentation today!!”
     With that confidence, I embarked on getting up and I did- I got up!
I could see the shock on Miranda and her people’s face.
I knew they planned it all.
       I walked up to where the Art teacher was at the front, apologized for the delay and started my presentation.
      The teacher was proud of my presentation, he liked the fact that it was something new. I was happy too - I got an A!
     Our first semester exam was coming up soon. So, when I got home, I ate and sat at my reading desk to study.
     I was trying to memorize some abbreviations in Biology, including the ones I had come up with.
     As I said it out loud, “Pisces, Aves Reptiles, Amphibians, Mammals…”, I got interrupted by a noise.
      It was a noise from my room. I stood up to check, because it was really disturbing me.
     I kept looking around and around, trying to find out where it was coming from. I still couldn’t find it.
      Finally, I found it. It was from my bag. I then opened it. The sound had now become louder than before.
      I started bringing out my books to detect what was making such ear itching sound.
      While bringing out my books, I saw a book- it wasn’t mine. I recognized it almost immediately, it was the book from Halloween! The book I had seen in that abandoned house!! I fell on the ground. I was really scared.
       Then the book started moving. It walked out of the bag on its own accord. I was so terrified that I couldn’t even scream. I was trembling on the ground.
       Soon, the book transformed into a woman. She was so beautiful. She had the face of a human, the body of a book and the legs of a woman.
      “Hello. I’m Bibliona, a book fairy.” The book woman said.
“Don’t be scared. Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” She said and smiled at me.
       She began to move around the room. she picked up a picture and chuckled.
       “Is this you, Tessa?
“how do you know my name?” I ask with my voice trembling.
     “oh that? The moment you came in contact with me, I read you. I’m a book, you know. People read me. I read people.
      “Please Why are you here? Okay, I know that we offended you by going to your house. I’m sorry for going there that day. I won’t do it again, I promise. Please don’t hurt me and my friends. Please don’t hurt my family. Please, I…”

      “Calm down.” She interrupts.
“you didn’t offend me. You found me. I am here to do you a favour for finding me.”
       “I don’t understand. What do you mean I found you?”
       “Okay, When the owner of the house I lived in died, the house and everything in there was abandoned, including me.”
     “No one bothered to come around but then, Years later, you and your friends came into the picture. You were the first to see me.”
     “I was happy that someone had come to my rescue at last, so I followed you home.
     “From then on, I made the decision to make you my new owner. I will serve you. Thank you for saving me.” She said smiling brightly.
     “What do you mean ‘serve me’?” I asked, still looking confused.
     “I am a book fairy. I can turn words into reality. Just write on me or say anything, I can make it come true.”
      “do you remember what happened today in school? You were stuck in your seat and wasn’t able to move and what did you do? You used the word ‘will’.”
      “Whenever you want me to make something come true for you, use keywords like ‘will’ and ‘can’ so that I will know that you need my help.”
      “If you don’t feel like saying anything, you can write on me. I’m a book, remember?” she chuckles.
      “when we aren’t alone, I will be a regular book, so no one will notice. When it’s just you and I, I can be a woman.” she smiles at herself.
      “That’s all. Oh, before I forget, You can’t tell anyone about this. Not even your friends. It should be between you and me.”
         Since then, the book has been making my wishes come true. I have been trying to keep it a secret, my friends know nothing about it. the only person that knows about it is- you, my diary.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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