Ventus Domum

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Author note: Guess who's back, back again? This story is still in progress so updates will be slow but I'm hoping it'll be good.

Birds chirped loudly in a thicket nearby, the sound shrill as Lilith's senses began to return to her. The rising sun strained her eyes, her surroundings still blurred and shifting as she tried to look around. The sky is so bright Lilith thought, closing her pained eyes and focusing instead on the cold morning air. After a moment, panic shot through her, clenching her stomach. Opening her eyes once more, she pushed up from the sodden earth, her heart pounding so intensely it pained her chest.

"Ah!" Lilith moaned loudly, the world spinning as she heaved her body upright. Ground and air twisted together in a nauseating haze. Her stomach lurched and bile burned her throat, but she managed to stay upright. Swallowing hard and forcing the contents back down, Lilith quickly took in her surroundings. She wasn't in a chapel but rather laying on the back lawn of a massive castle, spires and towers touching the puffy clouds that hung in the sky above. Her heart still thudded away as her mind tried to recall what had happened, if there was something she was forgetting. Looking behind her, she saw no stone building, the vibrant grass continuing uninterrupted to the wood. Reaching her hand up to the dull ache on the back of her head, she felt a large goose egg. I had fallen on something hard she reassured herself that at least that memory had happened. Winching, she lowered her hand and rolled onto her hands and knees. The earth was wet with dew, her terrycloth robe growing more damp and filthy.

As Lilith tried to calm her quickened breath and quiet the fear in her chest, fire danced up from the ground before her. Her stomach tensed again as the heat rose, her throat clamping shut against the roiling in her abdomen. An exquisitely graceful form walked out from the fire, his face beautiful and harsh. Lilith looked up at the tall man with wide eyes, warning bells alarming within her.

"Hello, Lilith." He man said in a deep, resonating voice that chilled her blood.

"H-hello Lucifer." She stammered, sitting back on her heels to better see him. His lips curled up slightly, his ice blue eyes looking her over.

"Are you enjoying yourself out here?" he asked in a mocking tone. Lilith narrowed her eyes at him and stood. She had never spoken directly to him apart from a few pleasantries, his aloof demeanor and seeming hatred of her preventing it.

"I..." her cheeks warmed as she struggled to think of an excuse. "I was." She straightened her back and gripped her robe, ensuring it was wrapped tightly around her.

"Do you often frolic across fields on cold Winter mornings nearly naked?" He grinned as he spoke, his straight white teeth shining. Pulling his hands from his pockets, his eyes surveyed her again, slower, and more deliberate on their second pass. Lilith's face and ears became hot and if she didn't know better, she would guess steam was coming off her. Lilith didn't answer his question, instead she looked back at the castle and the door she had used to get to the now gone stone chapel. "I can help you get cleaned up." Lucifer offered. Lilith looked up at his lopsided grin, somehow adding to his pompous appearance.

"I know my way back, thank you." Lilith cocked a hip, still frowning. He let out a small chuckle.

"Do you really want to walk through the halls looking like that?" he asked in a haughty tone that made Lilith flinch. He really must think I'm a dog Lilith chewed the inside of her lip to keep from cursing him.

"Then go with you? Yes." She snipped, her fists balled.

"Your pride will get you nowhere Lilith. Take the help." Lucifer held his hand out for her. She stared at his upturned palm, the skin smooth and fair. Meeting his eyes again, Lilith let out a tense sigh. Placing her palm against his, heat weaved up her arm, making her cold core shutter and tense. Without warning, he moved them swiftly from the lush meadow to a fire warmed bedroom. Lilith ripped her hand away, taking a step back and hopefully out of arms reach. On edge and with heightened senses, she quickly surveyed the room. It was much like the room she had shared with Aamon. Two doors, one most likely to a bathroom. One exit. Lucifer had never given her warm and welcoming vibes, his eyes always cold and incredulous toward her. She had never been alone with him either, her stomach turning over the anxiety the situation was causing. She tried to remain emotionless as the fires heat made her skin tingle as it thawed.

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