You Belong to Me

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Lilith sat across from Jezebel at a high-end restaurant somewhere in Los Angeles. The dim lighting was romantic and Lilith thought about how nice it would have been to have a night with Aamon. She rarely went out with him, but she loved to see him in the real world. People looked at him how she still did, in awe of his masculinity and beauty. The thought caused Lilith to lose a breath, her cheek resting in the palm of her hand, her elbow on the table. Jezebel was not hard on the eyes either, her black hair in a French braid, her rich brown eyes shifting colors with the flickering candle at the table. She had warm olive skin, smooth and unflawed. She was Leviathan's equal in both her beauty and her grace.

"Tell me about yourself, Lilith. Or do you prefer Lily?" Jezebel requested, bringing her glass of wine to her lips. Lilith cringed internally.

"Lilith is fine." She answered with a curt smile. She lifted her face from her hand, her eyes looking out across the dining room. "What do you want to know about me?" Lilith glanced back at Jezebel who still wore a warm smile.

"Everything! How you grew up, what you find enjoyable." Jezebel said frankly, Lilith frowning at her. Was she trying to find something? Lilith cleared her throat, calculating what to tell her.

"I had an uneventful childhood, and I don't find many things enjoyable."
"C'mon Lilith. I am just trying to get to know you. You have all the Kings interested in you. I am curious what makes you tick." Jezebel remarked, Lilith's cheeks warming at the insinuation of the Kings interests. Lilith sighed, suppressing a whimper.

"Fine. I grew up well off, in an affluent area. My parents are both successful, as is my brother. I guess I'm kind of the black sheep in that sense." Lilith watched Jezebel's face closely as she spoke, searching for any reaction. She didn't give any beyond the same smile. "I went to college in New York." Lilith added, unsure what exactly Jezebel wanted.

"Yes, Leviathan said you were well educated. He also said you were a gymnast." Jezebel remarked as their food arrived at the table. She quickly waved away the server.

"That's an odd thing for him to mention." Lilith quipped, her cheeks and ears warmer.

"He was very impressed." Jezebel countered with a wicked grin. Lilith took a bite of her dinner, holding her companions gaze. Perhaps she is trying to intimidate me Lilith thought. "What do you do in your free time?" Jezebel moved on, a grin still playing on her full lips.

"I read." Lilith answered. Jezebel hummed her acknowledgment and they sat in silence for a time, eating.

"You have had some run-ins with Lucifer I noticed." Jezebel finally said, the amusement that had previously been in her eyes gone. Lilith tensed at the name, her fork hitting the plate as her movements faltered.

"Yes, I have." Lilith responded, her tone hesitant.

"Opinion?" Jezebel continued casually but she watched Lilith more intently.

"He...he is not the most pleasant man." Lilith frowned slightly, her voice hinting at the extent of her displeasure with him. Jezebel let out a soft laugh.

"Yes. He can be difficult to connect with. Though many would say that about Aamon, but you managed to bewitch him." Jezebel sipped her wine once more. Lilith couldn't read her tone, unsure if she was making a harmless observation or a jab. Considering all that she had put up with this far from the clergy, she leaned toward the latter.

"My goal was never to bewitch him." Lilith said bitterly. Jezebel looked startled, the faintest hint of a frown on her face.

"I know that Lilith." Jezebel's voice was almost hurt, dampening Lilith's hostility slightly. "Clearly a sensitive subject, I apologize."

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