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Shortly after the battle with Dew, Alpha had felt it imperative she pick up her training. He reminded her once again that this was all for her safety, not for her to seek out danger. This was an important distinction that he felt necessary to repeat. While she continued her archery practice, she would also start her hand-to-hand combat training. Lilith knocked on the door to the studio, looking back down at her phone to make sure she had the address and time right. A moment later, Copia opened the door, his eyes looking her over. She cocked her hip to the side, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Lilith." He said, stepping aside. She walked into the studio, surveying the area. It was similar to a ballet studio; the flooring was a light wood and mirrors on three of the walls.

"Queen Lilith." She snipped, glancing back at him. Copia frowned slightly, his eyes tracing her form. She wore a tight, white tank top, black bike shorts and tennis shoes. She was normally weary of wearing something that showed the shape of her body, but since her work would be with Copia, she figured it wouldn't cause much issue.

"My apologies." He forced a smile nearly as tight as his ingenuous words. Lilith stood in the middle of the room, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Let's do this." She sighed as she looked over to him. He wore black pants and a black short sleeve shirt. His figure was thin, his thighs lean and muscular. Copia closed the door, turning to face her.

"Would you like to start with weapons work or defense?" he asked, moving toward her.

"Weapons." Lilith said with a small glimmer in her eye. Copia sighed and in his hands two wooden swords appeared. He tossed one to her, the sword nearly falling from her hand. Her cheeks warmed slightly, but she gripped the hilt, pointing the blade toward him.

"Okay, we are going to practice how to disarm someone." He stepped toward her, a frown still on his lips. "I'll go slow. I will show you the disarm, then you can try." Copia said. "I will attack, you block." He instructed, then brought his sword down toward her. She swung up and nearly missed the block. Copia smiled slightly as the impact caused her to take a step back to brace herself.

"Some warning would have been nice." Lilith huffed.

"You don't get warning in battle, you know that. So whiny." He sneered. "Now look, from here, I will show you what to do. Grab the blade." Copia said, lifting his left hand and gripping the wooden blade of her weapon. "Slide your blade along theirs to the quillon." He continued, sliding and locking the blades together. Lilith strained against his force. "Now step away toward their hilt." Copia stepped to the right, pulling the blade and throwing Lilith off balance. She staggered forward, nearly falling over. She glared back at him, quickly righting herself. He stood straight and offered her the sword. "I will show you again, but at full speed."

Lilith sighed and took the sword back forcefully. Gripping the hilt with both hands, she rose the wooden blade again just at the right moment to catch his. The impact hurt her hands, but she held tight. His movements were quick, locking the quillons, gripping the blade of her sword and stepping away with an upward thrust of his blade. The hilt was torn from her hands, and she staggered forward reaching out to catch herself. The sound of the wooden sword hitting the floor was nearly simultaneous to him gripping her shoulder. He pulled her upright, his blade coming around to press against her neck. Lilith gasped, pressing herself against his body. Lilith tried to elbow him but instead felt the need to grip the blade, fearful that he would press it firmer to her neck.

"Just like that, you are disarmed." He smiled, looking at their reflection in the mirror. The way her body stretched up against him, on her tippy toes and her breasts raising and falling with each breath. Her cheeks flushed; her eyes narrowed at him. With a small grunt, he lowered his sword and stepped back. Lilith leaned forward, rubbing her neck lightly.

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