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They quickly drove to what Katherine learned to be Johnathan's house, and Katherine finally saw what was happening.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked in panic.

"He's a spy." Mike answered.

"A- a spy?" She asked confused.

"For the mind flayer!" He told her.

She looked at Steve for a bit of help, "I've got nothing. I'm just as lost as you are."

And then it was all quiet. Katherine felt herself shiver as the cold hit her tshirt. She wished she had her jacket right about now.

Steve noticed but before he could say anything Johnathan spoke up. "You need a sweater or something?"

Katherine smiled, "If it's not to much."

"No, no, come on." Johnathan lead her to his room. Katherine couldn't help but stare at the drawings of tunnels which were taped to every part of the house.

He brought her into his room. He went into his closet, grabbing a sweater, "Here."

She took the navy sweater, "Thanks." She brought it over her t-shirt, immediately feeling warmer.

She looked at Johnathan, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." Johnathan chuckled, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"No- it's just," She started, "They told me about last year." Johnathans face slowly fell, "I just- I can't imagine what this feels like for you guys."

Johnathan looked down, Katherine furring her eyebrows. She then heard a sniffling, making her heart clench.

"Oh." She whispered. She quickly went to him, hugging him. Johnathan let out a cry in her arms.

She stayed there, hugging him for as long as he needed.

After sometime they came out of the room, Steve glancing at the two. Nancy noticed Steve's lingering glance, a look of realization forming on her face.

The kids sat at the table, and Katherine standing between Steve and Johnathan, behind her sister.

Hopper, the chief of police, suddenly slammed the phone, hanging it up, "They didn't believe you did they?" Dustin spoke up.

"We'll see." Hopper answered.

"We'll see?" Mike exclaimed, "We can't just sit here while those things are loose!"

"We stay here. And we wait for help." Hopper told them. He then walked away towards Joyce's room.

Katherine looked down, fiddling with her sleeves. Steve looked at her, "How are you handling all this?"

She looked at him, inhaling deeply, "It's a lot."

He scoffed in slight amusement, "Yeah." He then felt bad, "Sorry for bringing you into this. And that your sister was also dragged along."

"No." She immediately spoke, "Don't be sorry. I'm- I'm kinda glad that we were."

Steve furred his eyebrows, "You are?"

"Yeah. I think, somehow- we needed this." She answered. "And spending time with you hasn't been half bad."

He smiled, "Yeah. Yeah it's been kinda fun."

She smiled, Mike getting up and grabbing something. "Did you guys know that Bob was the original founder of Hawkins AV?" He asked.

Katherine looked down, remembering how they were told a man, who Joyce was seeing, died to get Will and the others out.

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 - 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now