Chapter 10

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The Cecil siblings had not lied, when they had reported Helen's litter to be consisting of most darling little pups. They were all too adorable and had begun barking softly in their feeble pup voices, upon spotting Katherine. Tiny little noses, half of which were brown and half black, began sniffing her curiously, as she approached. Their tales were wagging playfully behind them.

There was one pup in particular that had caught her eye, whom she immediately picked up and cradled in her arms. This was a brown pup, who had most likely taken on colour of his father, since Helen was mostly white with splotches of  black around her eyes and ears. He tilted his head slightly, as if looking at her in confusion. She wondered what must be going through his little head. She dearly wished she could take him home with her. She could spend so much time nursing him, teaching him new tricks, maybe even talking him for a stroll. Her life would certainly become much more interesting with an addition of a furry companion.

She knew too well, however, that her aunt despised any such delight she might acquire, which deflated any hopes she had of taking the pup home. Besides, she truly couldn't subject this little pup to her aunt's atrocities or that of her cousins'. She had borne it so far with a degree of bravery, but she could not let another creature befall such fate. Especially, one as innocent and unworldly as the one in her arms. She took comfort in the fact that Cecil's were kind owners and would find these puppies a loving home someday.

Even if they failed to find these pups home, they had enough means to support them. Maybe they would go under the care of their gamekeeper and be used for assistance during hunting parties.

Trying to not sulk in the fact of her disability to bring a furry pup home, she asked Captain Cecil to give her a tour of the rest of the estate, so that they would be spared from rejoining Miss Rebecca and the Earl. The company of the later, was not enjoyable to either of them. He happily obliged and took special care to show her their grand library, something that he had anticipated she would enjoy.

After a few hours spent in the lively company of Captain Cecil, as he had insisted Lord Bardford to address him, time had come for her departure to Bradford manor. Their meeting today, had provided an excellent opportunity for her to further improve her acquaintance of him. But whether their was any real attachment formed on his side, she couldn't tell. After all, she had been invited here by his sister and not him, and her limited romantic experience with men guided her to act with reserve and prudence.

The Captain had keenly insisted on her taking one of their carriages, but she kindly refused, stating that she was fond of long walks and would often go into the meadows surrounding her uncle's estate for some fresh air. To this, Captain did not protest, nevertheless he was quite uneasy with the idea of a genteel lady like her walking three miles. And after providing him with reassurances of her safety, she promptly left Bingley hall.

She had walked about three-quarters of a mile when she saw a black barouche box approaching from behind. She thought nothing of it, and continued on her path. But then the carriage stopped a few feet ahead of her and the coachman hurried to lay the step down for the gentleman in the coach to descend.

To her surprise, it was Lord Bradford. "Good day, Miss Hughes. What a coincidence that I shall cross paths with you on my way back to Bradford manor. But now that we have come across, I'd like to have a word."

Skeptical as to what this could be about, she simply nodded her head in reply.

"If I may ask, Miss Hughes, why were you walking back alone? Why haven't you employed a carriage? Surely your family would have spared you one for the journey."

"Our family carriage was otherwise engaged, and my aunt didn't think I needed one when I could simply walk." He had walked slowly towards her as she spoke. "Was that all, my Lord? Or was there something else you meant to discuss?" She said tersely.

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