Chapter 17

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Katherine paced her room impatiently, her thoughts completely consumed with what Lord Bradford....Arthur...she corrected herself mentally, had whispered in her ear earlier today. He could not have meant what he demanded as his price. Darn the man! it was impossible to understand him. On one hand he had been kind and friendly, in the conservatory. She was even beginning to understand his tough exterior, from what his sister had told her about his stern upbringing. On the other hand, when they were in company of friends, he had turned his color again and teased her till her cheeks were practically crimson.

Perhaps she should just abandon this nonsensical idea that he had actually meant what he had said and just go to bed. It was almost midnight and she never stayed up so late, given that she liked to rise early in the morning. Besides, It could very well have been just a prank on his part, he was a straight-laced lord, who would never attempt something remotely scandalous. Why, he had jumped to marry her just to prevent stain of scandal on his family name. She decided that she will no longer ponder on the subject and rather go to bed as she was getting tired.

After changing into her nightshift she tied her hair into a lose braid, with small locks of hair left on side of her face. As she was about to climb into her bed and blow out the candle a soft rasp on the door halted her.

"Who is it?" she asked gently stepping near the door. "Your fiancé madam, unless you have been expecting someone else" came back a quirky male response.

she ajarred the door slightly to take a peek and found Arthur standing there. "I expected you in the evening room, but thought you might not actually come so I had to get you myself" he said.

"shh! keep your voice down. someone might hear you." She opened the door hastily, instructing him to get inside at once.

"It is unlikely that someone will hear me. Most people are probably deep in their slumber at this hour, that is why I thought it be perfect time for our little rendezvous." He said calmly stepping in.

"You must be out of your mind. Do you realise how scandalous this is is? for us to meet in my room alone like this?" she scolded

"My plan was to meet you in the evening room, but you are the one who failed to show up, thus our current situation" He pointed out to her annoyance.

"Besides, it would only be scandalous if you decide to dress like that" He eyed her sheer nightshift with a penetrating gaze, scanning her from head to toe.

Realising how her shift barely left things to his imagination she quickly turned away from him and dug out a shawl from her chest to cover herself. His remark however had already managed to warm her cheeks and her heart race a little. She hated that he had such an effect on her.

"You could have chosen a better time at least, meeting in the dark of the night hardly seems proper" she said.

"I could have, in fact I could ask my sister Miranda to chaperone us tomorrow if you like. Although, I have a feeling you might not prefer to perform the activity that I had in mind,  infront of anyone else." He said smugly

"Pray tell, what activity it is?" she demanded

"That I cannot tell you madam, I'll have to show you, if you would just come with me" He said "Or I can summon you tomorrow, and have my sister chaperone us. The choice is yours" The cheeky bastard. She was getting tired of his antics. She preferred him better when he used to act all arrogant and aloof. At least then he wasn't bent on making her blush at everyone turn for his own amusement.

With a heavy sigh she conceded to go along with him. If he threw caution to the wind then why shouldn't she? It wasn't as if a scandal came out of their little rendezvous it would only harm her, being of reputable blood he was equally susceptible. Besides, he was probably right about people being asleep at this hour. It was not likely that they'll get caught.

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