Chapter 14

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After putting out one major fire that was the debacle in the stable, Arthur headed straight for his bedroom. It was time to call it a night. He would need his energy tomorrow to put out residual flames, that he was sure were to come. Everyone will have questions and Katherine and him will be expected to have answers.

Katherine. He paused for a moment. Should he even call her that? She hadn't given him permission to use her christian name. No, It was too intimate. And yet she was to be his fiancé.

What on earth had he taken on? To masquerade a sham engagement with a wilful girl like her. It would be no easy task. But he should be grateful that she had as little interest in marriage as him. And she was clever enough to concoct a plan to save them both from their predicament. However, her overt rejection to the very idea of being his wife dug at him.

You won't make me a suitable husband she had said. As if she had any idea of a what a good husband ought to be. She was just a whisp of a girl who had no idea what men were like. Yet, she had the audacity to claim him unsuitable. No, he was arrogant, austere and unromantic in her opinion.

Oh he'll give her romance. Flowers, poetry and such. So much so that she'll come to regret she ever laughed at him. He'll even do it publicly just to needle her. She will have no choice but to act along, to keep up their farce. Such besotted behaviour was almost expected to lend some credibility to their faux engagement and she couldn't object to it without raising suspicions.

Next morning he rung for Harlow to fetch a sapphire ring from the family's strong box, were most of their jewels were kept. This particular ring belonged to his grandmother. He thought it would make a perfect engagement ring for Katherine, as it matched the fierce blue shade of her eyes and sharp pear cut matched her personality.

"Congratulations, my Lord." Said Harlow handing him the ring "I overheard felicitous news of your engagement. I believe this is for Miss Hughes"

"Thank you, Harlow." He said placing the ring in his inner coat pocket "it is indeed for her". He left the room without further comment. He did not want his spy-like butler to know how the engagement had really come about.

When he reached Katherine's door he hoped she would be alone. It was early enough in the morning for anyone to be around. The only problem that might be posed upon him, would be if someone had decided to stay overnight in her chamber, looking after her. Since her cousins barely sought anyone else's company but eligible bachelors and her aunt wasn't of charitable nature, chances of them being around were slim.

The only person he could think of, was Eloise, who might have offered to stay. But even she, as stubborn as she was, could've been persuaded by Katherine not to fuss over her and reside in her own cozy chamber. Whatever lay behind that door, he was ready to face it as he was already upon her doorsteps. There was no good reason to turn back now.

He waited a moment after softly tapping the door. "You may come in" said Katherine in low voice. At this hour, she was probably expecting her maid.

The unexpected guest he discovered in her room was not human, but a furry four-legged creature. Perched on the bed beside Katherine. Once he saw him enter, he was up on his feet and ready to bark.

"Hush, Bon-Bon. Its alright, he means no harm" said his mistress rubbing his back.

"How are you this morning, Miss Hughes?" inquired Arthur stepping in. "I hope I am not imposing. But I have a small matter to discuss with you."

"I am doing much better, Thank you." She said sitting up, with some difficulty, the pain from the horse's hooves must still be fresh. Her nightgown was translucent and barely kept his sinister imagination at bay. He was most grateful for opacity of her sheets that she used to cover herself, in the moment.

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